
现代智库事业的发展历程及特征研究——基于学术研究视角 被引量:5

Research on the development process and characteristics of the modern think tank undertaking based on the academic research angle
摘要 学术研究是解决科学问题和社会难题、促进科学与社会均衡发展的重要途径,学术研究活动的规模与其所对应的社会事业规模、发展阶段等均存在一定的对应关系。文章在揭示该对应关系的基础上,通过对WOSTM收录的"智库"主题的学术研究文献数量的趋势变化分析,将全球现代智库事业的发展历程划分为三个不同阶段,即形成初期、低速调整期、高速成长期,并通过词频分析和内容分析的方法对现代国际智库事业三个阶段的发展特征进行揭示,最后对中国现代智库事业的发展现状进行分析。通过对比分析得出,中国现代智库事业目前虽处于起步阶段,但正在沿着一条跨越式发展道路加速前进。 Academic research is an important path to solve scientific questions and social problems, and then to promote the balanced development of science and society. There are certain corresponding relationships between the scale of academic research activity and its corresponding social undertaking scale and development stages. After revealing these relationships, the modern think tank undertaking development process in the world was divided into three different stages including the forming stage, low-speed adjusting stage and high-speed development stage by the trends of the number of academic research literatures on " think tank" theme in WOS database, and then the development characteristics of three different stages of the modern think tank undertaking in the world were revealed by the methods of word-frequency analysis and content analysis. Finally, the present development situation of modern think tank undertaking in China is analyzed, and by the contrast analysis, we confirm that the modern think tank undertaking in China, although in its infancy, is speeding up along a great path with a leap-type development mode.
出处 《重庆大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期115-121,共7页 Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 学术研究 现代智库事业 发展阶段 热点 发展特征 跨越式发展 academic research modern think tank undertaking development stage hot spot development characteristic leap-type development
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