
奇亚籽提取物体外抗氧化活性研究 被引量:10

Evaluation of antioxidant capacity of chia seeds extracts in vitro
摘要 奇亚籽是唇形科植物芡欧鼠尾草的种子,已被证实具有多种健康促进作用。文中评价了白奇亚籽和黑奇亚籽的体外抗氧化活性并测定了其总多酚和总黄酮含量。结果表明:2种奇亚籽提取物均能够以浓度依赖的方式清除DPPH·和ABTS^+·,白奇亚籽提取物对DPPH·和ABTS^+·的清除能力显著高于黑奇亚籽提取物;白色和黑色奇亚籽提取物的FeSO_4·7H_2O当量分别为(41.48+2.84)μmol/g和(29.70±2.43)μmol/g;同时,2种奇亚籽提取物均能显著抑制亚油酸自由基引起的β-胡萝卜素漂白。此外,2种奇亚籽提取物均能够有效抑制自由基诱导的亚油酸过氧化和牛血清白蛋白氧化降解。白奇亚籽和黑奇亚籽中总多酚含量分别为(3.40±0.09)mg CAE/g和(2.97±0.07)mg CAE/g,总黄酮含量分别为(1.24±0.06)RE mg/g和(1.07±0.08)RE mg/g。 Chia seeds are derived from the Salvia hispanica plant,which can offer various health benefits. The in vitro antioxidant potential,total phenolic and total flavonoid contents of white and black chia seeds were evaluated.All the investigated chia extracts exhibited dose-dependent DPPH· and ABTS~+·radical radical-scavenging activities. The white chia seeds extracts exhibited much higher DPPH· and ABTS~+·radical-scavenging activity than that of black chia seeds. The reducing capabilities of white and black chia extracts were( 41. 48 + 2. 84) μmol / g and( 29. 70 ± 2. 43) μmol/g,respectively. Both extracts effectively inhibited linoleate free radical-mediated bleaching ofβ-carotene. In addition,the extracts significantly inhibited free radical-mediated linoleic acid peroxidation and the oxidative degradation of bovine serum albumin. The total phenolic contents of white and black chia seeds were( 3. 40 ±0. 09) mg CAE / g and( 2. 97 ± 0. 07) mg CAE / g,respectively. The total flavonoid contents of white and black chia seeds were( 1. 24 ± 0. 06) mg RE / g and( 1. 07 ± 0. 08) mg RE / g,respectively. These results suggest that chia seeds could be considered as a good source of natural antioxidants and functional food ingredients,and offer a huge potential used in food industry.
出处 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期197-202,共6页 Food and Fermentation Industries
基金 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(No.15A550024) 郑州轻工业学院博士科研基金资助项目(No.2013BSJJ079)
关键词 奇亚籽 抗氧化剂 自由基 铁离子还原能力 chia seeds antioxidants free radicals ferric reducing antioxidant power
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