

Study on the academic information literacy evaluation and influence factors analysis for medical postgraduate
摘要 目的探讨医学研究生学术信息素养现状及其影响因素。方法采用分层抽样方法,抽取某医学院297名在读研究生,应用自行设计的问卷调查其学术信息素养状况。结果医学研究生学术信息素养总平均分为(79.52±9.28)分。单因素分析结果显示:不同年级、入学类型和学位类型的受访者在学术信息意识方面表现出显著差异,不同性别、年级、入学类型和学位类型的受访者在学术信息能力方面表现出显著差异,不同年龄、学位类型和年级的受访者在学术信息道德方面表现出显著差异。多因素分析结果表明:年级和入学类型是医学研究生学术信息素养的重要影响因素(P<0.01)。结论学术信息获取能力的培养是医学研究生学术信息素养促进的关键内容,而低年级和非应届毕业研究生是需要重点关注的对象。 Objective To investigate the academic information literacy of medical postgraduates,and to explore the influencing factors.Methods Stratified sampling was used to get the samples.A selhnade academic information literacy questionnaire was used for investigation of medical postgraduate students.Results The average score of academic information literacy in present study was(79.52 ±9.28).Single-factor analysis indicates that discrepancy of academic information cognition was existed in different grade,entrance type and degree type.The discrepancy of academic information ability was existed in different gender,grade,entrance type and degree type,and discrepancy of academic information moral was existed in different age,degree type and grade.Multiple-factors analysis indicates that the grade and entrance type were the most important influence factors(P 0.01).Conclusion Ability of the medical graduate to obtain relevant academic information remains to be improved,and academic information literacy education should focus on the junior medical graduate students and non-graduating students.
出处 《济宁医学院学报》 2016年第3期218-222,共5页 Journal of Jining Medical University
基金 安徽省教育厅人文社会科学重点项目(SK2015A 404) 安徽省教育厅一般课题(SK2015B18by) 蚌埠医学院科研课题(Byky13116sk)
关键词 医学研究生 学术信息素养 影响因素 Medical postgraduate Academic information literacy Influence factor
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