
乙二胺预处理麦草浆在LiCl/DMSO体系中的溶解-再生性能 被引量:3

Dissolution-regeneration of Ethylenediamine Pretreated Wheat Straw Pulp in LiCl/DMSO
摘要 利用8%Li Cl/DMSO木质纤维全溶体系,溶解经乙二胺溶液预处理后氧脱木质素碱法麦草浆,探讨乙二胺预处理对浆料性能的影响,及预处理后浆料在8%Li Cl/DMSO全溶体系中的溶解-再生性能。研究发现:乙二胺预处理在保留较高结晶度时可改变浆料结晶结构,氧脱木质素碱法麦草浆经乙二胺预处理后可完全溶解于8%Li Cl/DMSO溶液,随着木质素含量的增加,溶解所需时间延长;溶解后样品经水可再生,产物得率为59.19%~61.88%,溶解-再生过程中木质素、多糖、灰分和硅都得到较好保留。 Oxygen-delignified wheat straw soda pulp were pretreated by ethylenediamine(EDA) and then dissolved in 8%Li Cl/DMSO solution system.The effects of ethylenediamine on the pulp properties and its dissolution-regeneration performance in Li Cl/DMSO were studied.The results showed that the crystal structure of EDA pretreated pulp was altered but still had a high crystallinity.The EDA-pretreated wheat straw pulps could be completely dissolved in 8% Li Cl/DMSO.With the increase of the lignin content,more time was required to form the homogeneous solution.The dissolved samples could be regenerated by being poured into water.The yields of the regenerated fractions were ranged from 59.19% to 61.88%.The lignin,polysaccharide,ash,and silicon were preserved well after the dissolution-regeneration.
出处 《林产化学与工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期101-106,共6页 Chemistry and Industry of Forest Products
基金 江苏省制浆造纸科学与技术重点实验室(南京林业大学)开放基金(201504) 国家自然科学基金青年基金(31200444) 江苏省高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD)
关键词 乙二胺 氯化锂/二甲基亚砜 木质纤维全溶体系 ethylenediamine(EDA) LiCl/DMSO lignocellulosic solvent
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