
情绪智力、自我领导与大学生压力应对方式的关系:积极情感与自我效能感的中介作用 被引量:28

Emotional Intelligence, Self-leadership and Coping in College Students: the Mediating Role of Positive Affect and Self-efficacy
摘要 目的:探讨情绪智力和自我领导对大学压力应对方式影响中积极情绪与自我效能感的中介作用。方法:对575名大学生施测情绪智力量表、自我领导量表、积极情绪量表、自我效能感量表与压力应对方式量表。结果:1积极应对方式与情绪智力、自我领导、自我效能感、积极情绪呈显著正相关;2自我效能感是情绪智力与积极应对关系之间的完全中介变量,自我领导方式对积极应对直接效应显著。结论:情绪智力与自我领导对积极应对具有显著预测作用。自我效能感在情绪智力与积极应对关系之间具有中介作用。 Objective: To explore the mediating effect of positive affect and self-efficacy on the influence of EI and self- leadership on stress coping. Methods: 575 students from two Chinese universities completed questionnaires that measured stress coping, self-leadership, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and positive affect. Results: (1)Significant relation- ships were observed between active coping, self-leadership, emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and positive affect; (2) Self-efficacy fully mediated the relationship between emotional intelligence and active coping. Self-leadership had a direct effect on active coping, and no mediation effects between self-leadership and active coping were observed. Conclusion: Emotional intelligence and Self-leadership both predict active coping, and self-efficacy mediates the relationship between Emotional intelligence and active coping.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期558-560,565,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 湖南省教育厅科学研究青年项目(编号:13B081) 湖南省哲学社会科学基金项目(编号:14YBA300)
关键词 情绪智力 自我领导 应对方式 自我效能感 积极情感 Emotional intelligence Self-leadership Coping Self-efficacy Positive affect
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