
德国沼气工程发展和能源政策分析 被引量:14

Biogas Industry Development and Renewable Energy Policy in Germany
摘要 德国是沼气生产大国也是沼气工程强国,德国沼气工程的发展和能源政策对我国沼气工程的发展有着重要的借鉴意义。在可再生能源法(EEG)的沼气发电上网补贴政策激励下,2000~2014年的14年里,德国沼气工程数量由1050个增加到10076个,沼气发电总装机容量预计超过3800 MW。为适应沼气工程的快速发展,EEG法律体系多次调整了补贴标准和补贴范围,引导沼气工程原料、规模、产品用途向健康的方向发展,避免因发展沼气(生物燃气)而导致种植业生物单一性、有机废弃物得不到合理处理,以及可能对其他产业造成的影响。笔者从温室气体减排、欧盟可再生能源发展规划、可再生能源用电成本和农业生态安全等角度分析了德国EEG的演变过程,以及对沼气行业发展的导向作用,并提出了应借鉴德国具有针对性的能源政策机制和产品补贴制度经验,重新确定我国沼气工程的功能定位和推动建立市场化机制的建议。 Germany is the leading country in biogas industry sector. The development and the Renewable Energy Source Act( EEG) in Germany provide much valuable experience for the development of biogas project in China. As regulated in EEG,the biogas plant owner could get profit from the subsidy of selling biogas power to grid. During the 2000 to 2014,the biogas plant numbers increased from 1050 to 10076,the total installed biogas power capacity increased to over 3800 MW. In order to meet the rapid development of biogas projects,the EEG has adjusted the scope of subsidies and allowances,and guided the biogas feeding materials,plant capacity,and product utilization to a sustainable industry,and avoided the over-development of biogas plant causing the simplicity of crop varieties,unreasonable treatment for organic waste,and the possible impact on other industries. The evolution of the German EEG was analysed through the point view of greenhouse gas reduction,the renewable energy development planning in EU,electricity costs for renewable energy,and other agro-ecological safety. All those factors guided the development of biogas industry. Based on those factors the article put forward that the biogas industries in China should learn from Germany's targeted energy policy mechanisms and experience in subsidy system,and redefine the functional orientation,promote the establishment of market mechanism.
出处 《中国沼气》 北大核心 2016年第3期74-80,共7页 China Biogas
基金 国家公益性行业科研专项(201403019) 科技部中欧中小企业国际科技合作项目(SQ2013ZOA000017) 北京市科技计划项目(D141100001214001 Z151100001115010)
关键词 德国 沼气工程 可再生能源法 Germany biogas industry EEG
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