
大数据服务商参与的三级供应链动态合作策略及其比较 被引量:28

Comparison on dynamic cooperation strategies of a three-echelon supply chain involving big data service provider
摘要 针对大数据时代的特定背景,基于动态微分博弈理论建立零售商支付契约、联合支付契约和合作契约模式下的三级供应链营销合作策略模型.分别求得3种模式下达到均衡状态的质量努力水平、营销努力水平、消费者转化率和联合支付契约下分摊比例,进而对3种模式进行比较,并将合作契约拓展到零售商销售成本为变量的情况进行讨论.在此基础上讨论参数变化对供应链系统利润的影响,并运用算例分析验证模型的有效性和可信性. The dynamic cooperation strategy model of a three echelon supply chain is built based on the theory of differential game in the mode of retailer payment contract, joint payment contract and cooperation contract respectively with the involvement of big data service provider in this specific big data era. And the quality effort, marketing effort, consumer conversion and apportionment for the joint payment contract under these three modes are calculated. After comparing these three models, the cooperation contract is extended to a new situation where the retailer's cost of sales is variable. The impacts of exogenous parameters on the supply chain profits are discussed, and numerical examples are used to illustrate the effectiveness and credibility of the models.
出处 《控制与决策》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1169-1177,共9页 Control and Decision
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71472134)
关键词 大数据服务商 三级供应链 大数据营销 动态微分博弈 big data service provider three-echelon supply chain big data driven marketing dynamic differential game
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