

Analysis of International Organizations Strategy of Obama Administration
摘要 自奥巴马政府2009年上台以来,美国从自身实力及全球战略出发,对外交政策做了调整。奥巴马政府对武力的使用十分谨慎,主张采用外交途径,先通过谈判和对话的方式解决问题。奥巴马政府重视与联合国、国际货币基金组织、北约以及东盟等国际组织的关系。其国际组织策略体现在试图发挥美国的重要作用,既利用国际组织又拒绝多边主义的束缚以及重视盟友的作用。针对奥巴马政府的国际组织策略和相关启示,中国应科学制定国际组织战略,积极参与国际制度和规则的创建,增加对国际组织的支持力度进而获取更多话语权。 Since the Obama administration took office in 2009,the United States adjusted its foreign policy on the basis of its national power and international strategy.The Obama administration is very cautious of using force.It advocates the use of diplomatic channels to resolve conflicts.It attaches importance to relations with the United Nations,IMF,NATO,ASEAN and some other international organizations. The Obama administration 's international organizations strategy is to ensure the American leadership,pay attention to international organizations but refuse the bound of multilateralism,as well as emphasize the role of allies. Thus,China should scientifically formulate its own international organizations strategy,respect the existing international order and strengthen cooperation with the United States in various international organizations.Besides,it needs to increase its support to international organizations so as to get more power of discourse.
作者 董川
出处 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期54-60,共7页 Journal of Beihua University(Social Sciences)
关键词 奥巴马政府 国际组织 国际制度 Obama administration International organization International institution
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