文中在综合前人研究的基础上,通过分析国内外汽车制造企业的生产物流管理系统的现状及其发展过程,采用物流领域通用的分析方法对X汽车制造公司的总装车间的生产物流做了全面的剖析,通过分析其存在的问题以及如何根据其现状提出相应的解决方案。利用RFID技术的优点,结合汽车制造行业目前存在的一些问题和未来的发展方向,在此基础上构造了一个基于RFID技术的生产物流信息管理系统。最后,在分析了生产物流、RFID技术、RIFD技术的实现环境之后,得到了X公司总装车间生产物流系统的整体结构模型。通过这个结构模型,设计出相应的软件流程图和相应的数据结构,利用Delphi XE 5来对上述系统的功能进行测试并得到较好的结果。
Based on the previous study outcome, we do several things to design a new manufacturing logistics system for X automotive company. Firstly , we have analyzed the state and the development process of the whole Automotive industry including Chinese car manufacture and the foreign car manufacture to get a well understand of the whole thing we are studying. Secondly, we tried to take advantage of the analytic method which are widely used in logistics area to analyze the problem X company are facing. Thirdly, we have get a feasible program to solve the problem. The main work of this paper is construct a new manufacturing logistics system which is based on the RFID technique. Last, we got the whole structure model of the manufacturing logistics system by analyzing the manufacturing , RFID technique and the implement environment of the RFID technique. In order to make sure the system can work stable ,we designed a relative software and database structure. The software are designed base on the famous software Delphi XE 5, we tested the new designed system and got some good outcome.
Logistics Engineering and Management
manufacturing logistics
automotive industry
logistics management system