
中国居民家庭脆弱性及因病致贫效应分析 被引量:14

Analysis on Household's Vulnerability and Effect of Catastrophic Health Expenditures on Poverty in China
摘要 为定量分析医疗支出对家庭经济水平的冲击,以贫困脆弱性指标作为家庭经济风险的代理变量,利用微观调查数据构造反事实框架估计就医行为对家庭经济境遇的冲击,验证了医疗与家庭致贫效应的因果关系和影响程度。家庭成员在过去半年内若因病住院,对家庭福利会造成损失,损失幅度因贫困标准、样本年份而不同。2012年在贫困线标准为2美元条件下,家庭经济风险概率值增加0.31。分城乡和收入高低不同组估计,农村居民以及低收入群体的福利水平受就医影响幅度大于对应的其他群体。 It was agreed that catastrophic health expenditures could reduce current expenditure of household and raise the uncertainty in future.This paper estimated the vulnerability of household with 3-step FGLS regression.The vulnerability was adopted as the agent index of household welfare and the study estimated the effect of catastrophic health expenditures on household welfare using PSM method. The results were that the vulnerability of household would increased significantly if family members were in hospital.The rural families or low-income groups'welfare was affected more seriously by medical expenses than other groups.
出处 《统计与信息论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期49-54,共6页 Journal of Statistics and Information
基金 安徽财经大学科学研究基金资助项目《财政公共支出分配"亲民"吗?》(ACKY1529)
关键词 健康公平 脆弱性 灾难性卫生支出 倾向分数匹配 居民福利水平 health fairness vulnerability catastrophic health expenditures PSM household's welfare
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