
公共政策论证类型 被引量:2

The Typology of Public Policy Argument
摘要 以政策论证的民主化水平和科学化水平高、低为标准,我国存在四种公共政策论证类型:官员—自主决策式政策论证、精英—价值主导式政策论证、专家—理性判断式政策论证和多元—协商论辩式政策论证。四种类型可以通过2008年之前的经济适用房建设、怒江水电开发论争、新农合制度实施、新医改方案制定分别加以验证。每种类型既在论证民主化和科学化水平上有所不同,也有各自的适用领域。 Based on the high and low levels of democratic and scientific policy argumentation, this articledivides policy argument into four types: officials’ autonomous decision-making policy argument, elites’ valueleading policy argument, experts’ rational judgment leading policy argument, and multiple deliberation policyargument, which can be verified by construction of affordable housing( 1998 - 2 0 0 8 ) , Nujiang River hydropowerdevelopment debate, the implementation of new rural cooperative medical system, and new medical reformprogram making respectively. The comparative study finds that each type has both different democratic andscientific argumentation levels as well as its application fields.
作者 雷尚清
出处 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期134-141,共8页 Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"决策论证与邻避设施社会稳定风险防范研究"(15YJC630052) 四川大学中央高校基本科研业务费学科前沿与交叉创新项目"邻避工程社会稳定风险治理:决策论证的视角"(skqy201516)
关键词 政策论证 论证民主化 论证科学化 类型学 policy argument, the democratization level of argument, the scientification level of argument,typology
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