
如何创建优质职前教师教育——来自美国的经验 被引量:1

How to create high-quality pre-service teacher education——Experience from USA
摘要 教师培养项目是美国职前教师教育事业的核心构成,美国教师教育学院协会对项目发展状况的调查反映了其职前教师教育发展的大致状况。当代美国职前教师教育正呈现出6个发展态势:在教师培养体制上,以研究性大学为主体,其他社会机构为补充;在教师培养层次结构上,以学历教育为主体,本科教育与学士后教育并驾齐驱;教师培养项目吸引力日益增强;临床教育实习的密度与长度增加;培养工作日趋信息化、现代化;普遍实施"表现性评价"等。在发展上,当代美国职前教师教育发展的基本特点是:无统一的国家教师教育体系,各州教师教育项目评价机构引导着职前教师教育的发展,倡导教育机会均等,具有明显的"合作企业"属性,强调"全人发展"的理念,教师入职教育途径多样化等。 It is the core constituent part of American Pre-service Teacher Education(PTE),and the survey of AACTE(American Association of College for Teacher Education)reflects Ameriacn PTE′s general situation.There are six trends in Ameriacn PTE as described below.In terms of teacher education system,its main body is research universities with other social institutions as supplied.In education level,its main body is education with record of formal schooling considering both graduate education and postgraduate education.American teacher preparation program becomes more and more attractive and its training process turns more and more informatized and modernized.In addition,American adopts Performance-based Measure in pre-service teacher education.There are a few general features in the development of American PTE,that is,no unified national teacher education system,guided by states′teacher education evaluation,advocating the idea of equal opportunity for all,like a cooperative enterprise emphasizing all-round development and diversification of inductive teacher education.
作者 龙宝新
出处 《教学研究》 2016年第3期6-13,共8页 Research in Teaching
基金 陕西高等教育教学改革研究项目(15BZ18)
关键词 美国 职前教师教育 状况 特点 American PTE situation features
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