
领导风格与组织文化协同对组织创新气氛的作用——以湖北文化产业企业为例 被引量:2

On Inherent Mechanism of the Synergism of Leadership and Organizational Culture on Innovation Climate——Taking Hubei's Cultural Industry Enterprises as An Example
摘要 通过对265名企业中高层干部的问卷调查,对领导风格与组织文化的协同和组织创新气氛之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:变革型领导对发展导向组织文化有显著正向影响,交易型领导对经济导向组织文化有显著正向影响,知识产权保护能力正向调节变革型领导与发展导向组织文化的协同和组织创新气氛之间的关系,知识产权保护能力负向调节交易型领导与经济导向组织文化的协同和组织创新气氛之间的关系。发展导向组织文化在变革型领导和组织创新气氛之间起部分中介作用,经济导向组织文化在交易型领导和组织创新气氛之间起部分中介作用。 Through a questionnaire of 265 high-level managerial staff, the relationship between the synergism of the leadership and the organizational culture and the organizational innovation climate was studied. Research results show that the transformational leadership had significant positive effects on the development-oriented culture; the transactional leadership bad significant negative effects on the economy-oriented culture. The relationship between the synergism of the transformational leadership and the development-oriented culture and the organizational innovation climate was positive moderated by the intellectual property protection ability of enterprise. The relation- ship between the synergism of the transactional leadership and the economy-oriented culture and the organizational innovation climate isnegative moderated by the intellectual property protection ability of enterprise. The development-oriented culture partly mediated between the transformational leadership and the organizational innovation climate, the economy-oriented culture partly mediated between the transactional leadership and the organizational innovation climate.
作者 张海涛
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期68-72,共5页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 湖北企业文化研究中心重大课题"组织文化与领导风格的协同对组织创新气氛的影响研究"(2014A05) 湖北省普通高校人文社会科学重点研究基地--湖北文化产业经济研究中心一般课题"基于个体视角的湖北文化产业企业创新气氛形成机制研究"(HBCIR2013Y007) 公共管理校级重点学科建设项目(2013XPXK04)
关键词 领导风格 组织文化 企业知识产权保护能力 组织创新气氛 Leadership Organizational culture Intellectual property protection ability of enterprise Organizational innovation cli- mate
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