研究目的:基于格网尺度分析河南省永城市土地利用转型时空演化规律。研究方法:利用土地利用动态度测算土地利用变化速度,通过土地利用转移矩阵,研究土地利用类型的转移方向及原因;在格网尺度上,采用Crime stat软件探测土地利用转型热点,运用Moran指数分析土地利用转型的空间关系与集聚状况。研究结果:(1)土地利用动态度总体变化平缓,但城市建设用地变化较大;(2)2005—2010年各用地类型的转移幅度均比2000—2005年大,耕地和农村居民点用地转移方向以互相转化为主,城镇用地面积增加的来源主要是耕地和农村居民点;(3)土地利用转型热点地区在空间呈现集聚与正向相关关系,不仅数目增多,而且范围不断扩大,且集中在中心城区和路网发达区域。研究结论:(1)采煤塌陷区空间形态的复杂性及新城区的迅速发展,决定了遥感是土地利用转型研究的有效手段,格网尺度的研究更能精准刻画土地利用转型的过程与特征;(2)永城市是河南省粮食主产区,担负着粮食生产安全的重要使命,但来自于老城区采煤塌陷与新城区快速建设、处于省际边界地区强力推进的产业集聚区建设,保护耕地的压力越来越大,建设用地供给侧改革的开源与节流是永城市持续发展的战略任务。
The purpose of this study is to analyze space-time evolution regularity of land use transition based on the grid scale of Yongcheng city, Henan Province. The whole process of the study includes two steps: one is to analyze the change rate of land-use as well as the transfer directions and reasons of land use composition by dynamic degree model and land-use transfer matrix respectively; another is to probe land use change hotspots as well as spatial relations and agglomeration status of land use transition by crime stat software and Moran index separately. The results show that 1)the land-use dynamic degree is changing gently as a whole, but urban construction land shows a great difference. 2)The transfer rate of various land use types in 2005-2010 was greater than that in 2000-2000. The cultivated land and rural residential land transferred between each other, and the source of urban land area was amble land and rural residential land. 3)As for the hotspots, their number and scope is increasing with the positions mainly located in central urban and developed mad network, which shows a kind of gathering phenomenon and positive correlation in space. This paper indicates that 1)due to the complexity of coal mining subsidence area and the development of the new central urban, RS is an effective way to analyze land use transition. The research of grid scale can accurately specify process and characteristics of land use transition. 2)Yongcheng city plays an important role in achieving production safety as a main grain producing area of Henan Province. With the development of central urban area, the expansion of mining subsidence area and the construction of industry duster district which are located in provincial boundary area bring enormous pressure on protecting cultivated land. Therefore the reform on supply side of construction land, namely aUoeating the land resource rationally is a stratel;ie mission for Yongcheng city' s sustainable development.
China Land Science
and use
dynamic model
hotspots analysis
spatial autocorrelation analysis
Yongcheng Cilty