
离岸枢纽港口的发展模式与机理——以洋山深水港为例 被引量:5

Spatial Pattern of Offshore Hub Port and Development Mechanism——The Case of Yangshan Port in China's Mainland
摘要 以离岸枢纽港为研究对象,深入分析离岸枢纽港的发展模式与机制。首先着眼于理论分析,界定了离岸枢纽的概念内涵,解析了其发展特征,总结离岸枢纽的基本空间模式,对比分析了其差异;然后以轴辐式离岸枢纽为主,着眼于实证研究,选择长江三角洲的洋山深水港作为案例,详细分析了洋山港的建设过程、吞吐量增长和航线网络拓展,从城市转型与港口功能转型的角度论述了其产生机理,并从港口建设管制、航运网络与货箱喂给、经济自组织等角度,深入揭示了离岸枢纽的发展机制与空间运营模式。 This paper takes offshore hub has the studying object and analyze its developing mode and dynamics, in view of the theoretical and empirical analyses. Firstly we analyze the theoretical connotation of offshore hub, including the conception, developing characters and spatial patterns. Then we take Yangshan deep-water port as the case of hub and spoke mode to provide a detail discussion on the growth and evolution of offshore hub, and its originating mechanism and operational pattern. The results show that offshore hub is one type of transshipment hub with the obvious foreland hinterland by the shipping network and location at the island but away from the continuous hinterland. The complex relationship among the shipping routes promote offshore hub differentiate into three modes, including hub-and-spoke, relaying and interlining modes, with the different organization of shipping route, and container cargo and location. In China's Mainland, since the new century, the container port system in the Yangtze River Delta stepped into a new phase termed as offshore hub and diffusion, because of the construction and operation of Yangshan deep-water port. This new port has been expanding with the rapid increase of handling capacity, container traffic and shipping network and becomes a large-size port in such a short term. Actually, many factors promoted the construction and development of Yangshan port, but the cores are the transformation of urban function and port function in Shanghai, and the technical progress on enlarging size of container vessel and local constrains of deep-water berth in Shanghai. This new port promotes the major container terminals in Shanghai show an evolving path 'inland river (Huangpu River) → estuary (Waigaoqiao) →open sea (Yangshan)'. The construction and operation of Yangshan port also inflects the China's characteristics in views of location choice, investment and construction, and governance, by the strong governance intervention on the terminal investment and construction, transformation of shipping network from with one hub dual hubs and feeding of container cargo by water-water transshipment and truck transport through Donghai Bridge, and development of comprehensive unity of seaport, industry, logistics and trade to provide the direct hinterland.
出处 《经济地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期100-108,共9页 Economic Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41571113)
关键词 离岸枢纽 空间模式 发展机制 洋山深水港 中国 offshore hub spatial pattern developing mechanism Yangshan deep-water port China
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