5Miller, Theodore K., Winston, Jr., Roger B. & Associates "Administration and Leadership in Student Affairs: Actualizing Student Development in Higher Education", Accelerated Development Inc. 1991, p xv, 4-11, 5, 18-20, 7-9, 10, 25, 12-14.
6Nuss, Elizabeth M. "The Development of Student Affairs", In Komives, Susan R., Woodard, Jr., Dudley B., & Associates. "Student Services: A Handbook for the Profession" (Third Edition), Jossey-Bass Inc., 1996, pp23-37, 24, 27, 33, 34, 37,24, 25.
7Williamson, E.G. " Student Personnel Services in Colleges and Universities", McGraw-Hill, 1961, P6.
8Brubacher, J.S., & Rudy, W. "Higher Education in Transition: A History of American Colleges and Universities, 1636-1976", Harper & Row, 1976, P336 .
9American College Personnel Association , "Directory ofGraduate Preparation Programs in College Student Personnel", 1994a.
10Hossler ,Don "Admissions and Enrollment Management",In Renrz, Audrey L., & Saddlemire, Geraild L. "Student Affairs Functions in Higher Education", Charles C Thomas Publisher, 1988, pp42-44.