
一管法MLPA荧光探针溶解曲线分析技术检测15种高危型HPV方法的建立 被引量:3

Establishment of A Method to Detect 15 High Risk HPV Based on One Tube MLPA Melting Curve Analysis Technique
摘要 目的:结合多重连接依赖探针扩增(MLPA)和荧光探针溶解曲线分析技术,建立一种一管法同时检测并分辨15种高危型HPV的方法。方法:根据各HPV亚型的特异性序列设计MLPA探针,并在各亚型的ML—PA探针中加入溶解温度(Tm)不同的人工核酸序列作为识别标志;使用特殊的耐高温连接酶和热启动Taq酶,通过温度控制使探针杂交、连接、PCR在一管反应中顺序进行;以各HPV亚型10^2拷贝至10^6拷贝的标准品质粒作为模版进行敏感度实验;将10^2-10^6拷贝的HPV亚型标准品进行两两混合作为模版,检测本方法对混合样本的检测能力;使用本方法和HPV分型试剂盒(导流杂交法)对临床样本进行平行检测,比较2种方法的差异。结果:本方法可在一次反应内顺序完成MLPA探针杂交、连接、扩增3个步骤,扩增结果可通过不同荧光通道不同Tm值的溶解峰分辨不同的HPV亚型;本方法对标准品的检测灵敏度比经典的MLPA3步法反应下降约一个数量级;本方法可同时检测至少2种HPV亚型的混合感染;对临床阳性标本的检出率与导流杂交法结果基本一致。结论:本研究成功建立了一种利用一管法MLPA荧光探针溶解曲线技术检测15种高危型HPV的方法。 Objective: To establish an one-tube method to detect and distinguish 15 high risk HPV based on multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification and fluorescent probe melting curve analysis technique. Methods: Design MLPA probes targeting specific sequences of 15 high risk HPV subtypes and adding artificial nucleic sequences with different melting temperatures to each MLPA probes as i- dentification. Special high temperature tolerant ligase and hot-start PCR enzyme were used to hold hy- bridization, ligation and PCR process to run sequentially in one tube. Coping HPV subtype 10^2 to 10^6 copies standard plasmids as templates to detect the sensitivity of this method. Using 10^2 to 10^6 copies mixed standard plasmids to find the detection capability of mixed samples. Parallel detection of clinical samples was used to compare the difference of these two methods. Results: This method could detect at least 3 MLPA subtypes simultaneously. Different HPV subtypes can be distinguished by melting curves of fluorescent probes. The sensitivity of this method is lower an order of magnitude than classical 3 step method. This method had similar accuracy of flow-through hybridization method. Conclusions: Successfully established a 15-high risk HPV detecting method based on one tube MLPA fluorescent probe melting curve analysis technique.
出处 《贵阳医学院学报》 CAS 2016年第6期675-680,共6页 Journal of Guiyang Medical College
关键词 乳头状瘤病毒 DNA探针 HPV 溶解曲线分析 多重连接依赖探针扩增 human papillomaviruses multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification meltingcurve analysis
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