
考虑观点多样性的社会化语义网知识组织模式探究 被引量:5

Multi-viewpoint-concerned Knowledge Organization for Social Semantic Web
摘要 语义网和社会化标签是目前被广泛引用的两类兴趣点不同的知识组织工具,然而由于各自知识适用范围的局限而不能全面地考虑现今网络知识的复杂结构。本文基于社会化语义网的新特征内涵,分析该网络结构环境下的知识间组织关系,并通过结合语义网中知识组织模式和社会标注中的用户参与模式,构建社会化语义网中的知识组织模型。 Semantic web and social tagging are two kinds of knowledge organization tool with different interest points. However due to their applying limit, both of them could not completely reflect complex knowledge structure. In this paper, a knowledge organization model is proposed, which is created based on social semantic web. The relations between knowl- edge in social semantic web is analyzed. Also knowledge organization modes of semantic web and user contributions in social tagging are as well considered in this model.
作者 马晓悦
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第7期25-30,共6页 Information Science
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(教外司留[2014]1685号)
关键词 社会化语义网 知识组织 用户参与 social semantic web knowledge organization user participation
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