
注意偏向训练对改善高中生焦虑水平的作用 被引量:4

A Research Study of the Impact of Attention Training on Lowering the Anxiety Level of High School Students
摘要 通过检验高中生中高焦虑被试的注意偏向特点,并对66名高焦虑被试进行注意偏向训练,结果发现:(1)高焦虑被试经过训练之后,训练组与安慰剂组在注意偏向得分上表现出显著差异,但在SCARED焦虑量表得分上并没有表现出显著差异。(2)注意偏向与SCARED量表中分离焦虑维度的关联较大,以分离焦虑为依据划分高低焦虑被试时,两组被试在注意偏向得分上差异接近显著。(3)经过训练之后,训练组在分离焦虑上有降低的趋势。研究结果表明,负性情绪注意偏向有可能是产生焦虑的原因,注意偏向训练对改善高中生焦虑水平有一定的作用。 This study examined the attention bias of adolescents by providing attention training techniques (ATI')to sixty -six adoles- cents highly susceptible to anxiety. The results were as follows: (1)After training, the trained group and the control group presented sharp differences in their attention bias score, but their differences are negligible on the SCARED chart. (2)Attention bias is linked to separation anxiety on the SCARED chart. When distinguishing levels of anxiety, based on separation, the difference between the trained group and the control group in their attention bias score is close to being obvious. (3) After receiving training, the trained group' s sepa- ration anxiety tended to decrease. This research shows that the procedures of training attention bias were effective in decreasing symp- toms of anxiety among high school students.
作者 郭晨虹 梅青
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期223-226,共4页 Psychological Exploration
关键词 焦虑 注意偏向 注意偏向训练 点探测 anxiety attention bias attention bias modification treatment SCARED dot probe
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