
早熟桃新品种‘陇蜜12号’的选育 被引量:5

A new early ripening peach cultivar ‘Longmi 12'
摘要 ‘陇蜜12号’是2001年以‘陇蜜9号’为母本、‘早霞露’为父本进行杂交培育的早熟桃新品种。果实圆形,果顶平,两半部对称,平均单果质量126 g,大果质量186 g;完全成熟时果面全红,着鲜红色条纹或晕;果肉乳白色,肉质为硬溶质,耐贮运。果实风味浓甜,可溶性固形物含量13.0%,果实水分含量88.5%,可溶性糖含量8.44 g·100 g-1,有机酸含量0.16 mg·100 g-1,维生素C含量4.5 mg·100 g-1,品质优良。黏核。花蔷薇形,花粉多,自花结实。在兰州安宁区6月下旬成熟,果实生育期70 d左右。 'Longmi 12' is an early ripening peach cuhivar bred by artificial pollination. Its pedigree is 'Longmi 9' × 'Zaoxialu', made in 2001. It was initially selected in 2005 for its coloring optimal fruit, good quality and early ripening characristics. Fifteen hybrid seedlings were obtained by embryo rescue method. One individuality '01-9-4' was selected as a new strain in 2009. After regional adaptability testing at five sites (including Gaolan area, Arming area, Qinan area, Qinzhou area and Huixian area, all those places are the main peach producing areas in Gansu Province) over five years from 2010 to 2015, it was finally selected in 2015. We applied for the registration as a new cultivar in December 2015 and got identification certificate from Crop Variety Approval Committee of Gansu province in 2015. The tree's growth potential was flourishing, the tree position was open. Leaf was blade shape for long elliptic lanceolate, 16.2-18.5 cm in length and 4.3-4.9 cm in width, leaf color was dark green, petiole was 0.8-1.1 cm in length, with 2-4 reniform leaf gland. Flower bud was initiated from 2-4 section. The flowers were rosetype, pink, which has pollen, pistil and stamen contour or the pistil slightly higher. The fruit is round with flat top, shallow sutures and symmetrical halves. Background color of the fruit skin was green or white, with bright red stripe or red halo on the fruit surface. The average fruit weight was 126 grams, and the largest fruit weight observed was 186 grams. 'Longmi 12' fruit pulp color was white, dense succulent, hard melting, few fiber, strong sweet, soluble solids content was 13.0%. Fresh fruit had 88.5% water content, soluble sugar content was 8.44 g. 100 g^-1, organic acid content was 0.16 mg. 100 g^-1, vitamin C contentwas 4.5 mg. 100g^-1. The kernel was ellipse, cling stone. 'Longmi 12' peach tree cultivated in Lanzhou Anning area, generally, flower buds began to sprout by the end of March to early April, flowering in mid- April, fruit ripening around June 25, fruit growth period was 70 d, the leaves began to fall in early November, the growth period was about 210 d. 'Longmi 12' had a strong adaptability and resistance for cultivation environment. Suitable cultivation area included in the central and eastern regions of Gansu Lanzhou, Tianshui, Longnan and other places as well as areas with similar ecological conditions of cultivation, also suitalbe for promoting early planting in greenhouse. To establish new orchards, high-quality seedlings with Prunus davidiana as root stock should be used, and three branches open center shape or 'Y' shape, combinated with 3 m × 4 m or 2 m ×4 m tree and row density, would be better for this cultivar. 'Longmi 12' is a high-productivity cuhivar, fertilizer and water demanding is higher, should be watered properly according to soil moisture. 'Longmi 12' has high rate of fruit setting in natural conditions, fruit thinning should be carried out in early may, productivity should be controled under 2 300 kg per 666.7 m^2. Aphids, Grapholitha molesta and anthracnose should be regarded as the most important pests and diseases, re- spect to the integrity pest and deiseases management. Five Be^0 lime-sulfur synthetic solution should be spraied in whole orchard before and after flowering, 'physical + biological + chemical' method should be used to control aphids and Grapholitha molesta, etc. 80% thiram 800 times or 70% Thiophanate-Methyl wettable powder 1000 times solution could be used to control Anthrax pathogenesis and other diseases.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期895-897,共3页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 国家科技支撑计划主要果树新品种选育(2013BAD02B00)
关键词 新品种 '陇蜜12号’ 早熟 Peach New cuhivar ' Longmi 12' Early ripening
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