
成都市儿童少年饮水行为调查 被引量:1

The Water Intake Among the Youth Students in Chengdu
摘要 目的了解成都市儿童少年每日饮水行为,为制定我国儿童少年适宜饮水摄入量提供参考。方法采用分层随机抽样的方法抽取成都市城区和郊区小学、初中、高中学生共1 403人。采用连续7 d的饮水记录法,了解调查对象的饮水情况。由调查对象利用定量用具估计每次饮水量,并记录每次的饮水种类。分析比较不同性别、城郊、学段、体态和身体活动水平儿童少年饮水量。结果成都市儿童少年每日平均饮水量为865 ml;男生(897 ml)高于(836 ml)女生(F=7.568,P<0.05);城区学生(968 ml)高于郊区学生(759 ml)(F=92.843,P<0.05);高年级学生饮水量高于低年级学生(F=30.335,P<0.05)。每千克体重饮水量为22.3 ml;城区学生(23.0 ml)高于郊区学生(21.0 ml),小学生高于初中生和高中学生(F=26.319,P<0.05),正常体重者高于超重和肥胖者(F=6.0226,P<0.05)(F=76.336,P<0.05)。调查对象工作日和休息日平均饮水量差异无统计学意义,但除高中生外其余各组在工作日的白水饮用比例均高于休息日,差异有统计学意义(P值均<0.05)。调查对象三餐饮水比例为45∶27∶28,在公共场所的最主要饮品为各种饮料。结论少年儿童水摄入量受多种因素影响,因此建议在制定饮水建议量时充分考虑各种因素。 Objective To investigate drinking water intake among the youth students in Chengdu,provide scientific evidence for establishing standards of adequate water intake of youth. Methods A total of 1 403 primary and high school students were drawn from 12 schools in Chengdu rural and urban areas based on the stratified random sampling. The amounts and types of daily drinking water were recorded for 7 consecutive days using a quantitative measurement,including the gender,area,grade BMI were analyzed. Results The average daily drinking water was 865 ml. The average daily drinking water was significantly different on following groups:the boys( 897 ml) were more than girls( 836 ml)( F = 7. 568,P〈0. 05); the urban( 968 ml) more than rural( 759 ml)( F = 92. 843,P〈0. 05),and the senior students more than junior students( F = 30. 335,P〈0. 05). The average drinking water per kilogram of body weight was 22. 3 ml,the urban( 23. 0 ml) significant more than rural( 21. 0 ml)( F = 26. 319, P〈0. 05),and primary school more than high school( F =76. 336,P〈0. 05). There was no significant difference between the amounts of drinking water in weekdays and weekend. The ratio of plain water intake in weekdays was significant higher than weekend in all paired groups( P〈0. 05),except the senior school students. The proportion of water intake in 3 meals was 45 ∶ 27 ∶ 28,and beveragewas the primary. Conclusion Numerous behavior factors of youth water intake should be considered for developing establishing standards of adequate water intake of youth.
出处 《职业卫生与病伤》 2016年第3期166-171,共6页 Occupational Health and Damage
关键词 儿童少年 饮水行为 调查 youth water intake investigation
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