文章主要运用问卷法对2 779名甘肃省大学生的上课数量进行了调查。结果表明:(1)绝大多数学生每学期所修课程门数在8门及以上,远远超出了学者给出的理论最高值;(2)学生修课门数和平均每周上课时数在校际间和年级间分布明显不均衡,这给学生带来了沉重负担,已不同程度地影响了大学生自主学习能力的提高,并引发了许多学生的不满。在分析和揭示上述问题成因的基础上,给出了改进的建议:确定学生每周接受课堂教育时间的合理区间、减少学生修读课程的总数量、减少学生的课堂学习时间、增加学生的课外学习时间。
Through a questionnaire survey among 2 779 students in universities from Gansu province, the result of this study are showed as follows: i. The overwhelming majority of undergraduates have taken 8 courses or more in every term, which has gone beyond the theory maximum value deemed by some schol- ars. ii. There are significant differences between the interschools and grades on the quantity of courses and av- erage of class hours per week. Heavy burdens on the undergraduates owing to a large number of curriculum and unbalanced curriculum arrangement. Moreover, undergraduates ~ independent learning ability has been influ- enced in different degrees, which to some extent leads to their dissatisfaction and complaint on it. This paper gives some useful suggestions: Improving the curriculum and teaching in the university should be mainly focus on confirming a reasonable range of undergraduates classroom training, decreasing the total quantity of required courses, reducing the time of classroom training, and increasing undergraduates' extracurricular study time.
Higher Education of Sciences
university students
the quantity of students' courses
curriculum management