[Objective] This study was conducted to investigate the crossbreeding method for Chinese water chestnut. [Method] The growth of Chinese water chestnut stalk and inflorescence was observed. Chinese water chestnut flowering law and stamen and pistil growth were investigated in an artificial pollination experiment. [Result] Stamens and pistils reached their full bloom stages when the flower stalk lengths were approximate 37.0 and 46.9 cm, respectively, with a height difference of 9.84 cm and time difference of 28.5 h; and 9:00-11:00 a.m. was the optimal period for artificial pollination. Seven hours after artificial pollination, pistils wilted rapidly. The seed setting rates under artificial pollination and a natural condition was 43% and 15.5%, respectively. [Conclusion} The time difference between the full bloom stages of stamens and pistils is crucial to the success of artificial pollination of Chinese water chestnut. The seed setting rate under artificial pollination is much higher than that under a natural condition.
[目的]对荸荠杂交育种方法开展进一步探索。[方法]通过显微观察掌握人工辅助授粉和比较荸荠在人工辅助授粉和自然条件下结子情况,并对其进行分析研究。[结果]同一花茎的花序雌、雄蕊分别在花茎约长到37.0和46.9 cm时达到盛期,两者平均高度差为9.84cm,时差约达到28.5 h;上午9:00~11:00是进行人工辅助授粉的最佳时段,授粉成功的雌蕊大约7 h迅速萎蔫;通过人工辅助授粉的结子率明显高于自然条件下的结子率,人工辅助授粉的结子率为43%,自然条件下的结子率为15.5%。[结论]荸荠两性花的特性和雌、雄蕊生长及盛期均存在时间差,成为荸荠能够开展人工辅助授粉的关键因素。