目的了解乐都区温室蔬菜中有机磷农药现状。方法2014年8月用梅花形抽样法抽取乐都区5个乡镇温室蔬菜样品106份,利用气相色谱一质谱法进行有机磷农药的残留量检测。结果检出44个有机磷农药残留样品和28个超标样品,检出率和超标率分别为41.51%和26.42%,且差异均有统计学意义坼=7.007,P〈O.05 x2=7.857,P〈O.05),检出国家明令禁止的高毒禁用农药,检出率达13.21%,农药联合使用情况较为普遍。结论乐都区温室蔬菜有机磷农药使用普遍,检出率和超标率高,仍有违规使用高毒禁用农药和联合使用有机磷农药情况。
Objective Aim to detect the residues of organophosphorus pesticides in greenhouse vegetables in Ledu area. Methods Total 106 vegetable samples in five towns of Ledu area were selected by quincunx regime, and residues of organophosphorus pesticides were detected via GS-MS. Results 44 samples with residues of organophosphorus pes- ticides were detected and 28 samples were unqualified. The detection ratio and over standard rate were 41.51% and 26.42 respectively. (x2=7.007, P〈0.05 ;X2=-7.857, P〈.05 ).The banned pesticides were identified in this research,and detectable rate was 13.21%. The prevalence of commination pesticides were also certified in this survey. Conclusions The organophosphorus pesticide was popular in this region to protect the greenhouse vegetables from insects. Irrational behavior of using organophosphorus pesticide need be improved by education, professional training and quality inspection.
Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine