目的通过检测子宫内膜异位症中的ezrin、微丝及微管的表达及定位,探讨子宫内膜异位症中ezrin与细胞骨架的改变及关系。方法利用免疫荧光染色和激光共聚焦显微镜检测13例非子宫内膜异位症中正常子宫内膜、11例子宫内膜异位症中在位及异位内膜组织中ezrin、微丝及微管的表达及定位;用荧光强度代表表达强度,通过对荧光强度的半定量测定,比较各组间ezrin、微丝及微管的表达。其中,荧光强度分析采用SPSS 11.5 for windows软件进行统计分析,配对的2组之间的均数分析采用t检验。结果 ezrin在异位子宫内膜间质内呈弥散分布,失去正常细胞极性,ezrin蛋白在异位子宫内膜间质中的表达(47.88±6.75)显著高于正常子宫内膜间质(8.64±1.61)及在位子宫内膜间质(7.97±0.93)的表达水平(P<0.05);微丝在异位子宫内膜间质及腺上皮组织中表达极性均不明显,微丝在异位子宫内膜间质(71.36±4.27)中的表达显著高于在位子宫内膜间质(35.98±5.76)及正常子宫内膜间质(40.68±6.12)的表达水平(P<0.05),而在腺上皮组织中的表达(上述3组中表达分别为21.74±2.28,37.99±6.60,41.54±2.14)则相反(P<0.05);各组间微管表达差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论子宫内膜异位症的细胞迁徙、种植过程中伴随了细胞骨架的重构;ezrin与子宫内膜异位症的形成及细胞骨架重构有关;间质细胞在子宫内膜异位症中细胞迁徙与侵袭过程中扮演了主要角色。
Objective To check the expression and location of ezrin,microfibril and microtubule in endometrium tissues of patients with endometriosis,and explore the subcellular mechanisms of endometriosis. Methods The expression and location of ezrin,microfibril and microtubule in the endometrial cells of 13 women with normal endometrium,and in the eutopic and ectopic endometrium cells of 11 patients with endometriosis were examined by immunofluorescence( fluorescence intensity semiquantitative test) and laser confocal microscope,t test was used to analyze the difference between groups by using SPSS 11. 5. Results Ezrin was dispersedly distributed in stroma of ectopic endometrium and the cells lost their normal polarity; The level of Ezrin protein in ectopic endometrial stroma( 47. 88 ± 6. 75) was significantly higher than in normal endometrium from healthy controls( 8. 64 ± 1. 61) and in the homologous eutopic endometrium( 7. 97 ±0. 93),P〈0. 05; Microfibril was dispersedly distributed both in stroma and glandular epithelium cells of ectopic endometrium tissue; the expression level of microfibril in ectopic endometrial stroma( 71. 36 ± 4. 27) was ignificantly higher than homologous eutopic endometrium( 35. 98 ± 5. 76) and normal endometrium from healthy controls( 40. 68 ± 6. 12),P〈0. 05; while the expression levels in the glandular epithelium cells of ectopic,homologous eutopic and normal endometrium were 21. 74 ± 2. 28,37. 99 ± 6. 60 and 41. 54 ± 2. 14,respectively,P〈0. 05. There was no significant difference in the expression of microtubule among the three groups,P〈0. 05. Conclusion The cell migration and implantation in the endometriosis are accompanied with cytoskeleton reconstructions; The expression of ezrin is involved in the occurrence of endometriosis and cytoskeleton reconstructions of endometriosis; Stroma cells play an important role in the process of cell migration and invasion in endometriosis.
Chinese Journal of General Practice