
“临界处境”启示录——论科马克·麦卡锡的《路》中之末日恐惧景观 被引量:1

Apocalypto from "Grenzsituationen" :On the Landscape of Fear in Cormac McCarthy' s The Road
摘要 2007年的普利策获奖作品《路》人物模糊、情节淡化、故事性弱,丰富的末日景观书写却凸显为文本重心。此乃科马克·麦卡锡实现创作意图的策略。他使人物符号化、情节退隐化,以聚焦末日"恐惧景观",极致营造作品的启示录效应。从自然、社会和心灵这三个层面创设、展陈的"临界处境"恐惧景观,言说着人与自然、人与同类以及人与自我的失谐。在恐惧景观的背后,爱的"火种"长存,引领人类超越"临界处境"。 The Road, written by Cormac McCarthy, was 2007 Pulitzer winner. This novel distinguishes itself by ignoring traditional fictional elements as characters, plots but overloading numerous landscape of fear, which is targeted as the focus of the narration. Such literary creation is just the very fulfilling of the author's writing purpose: to maximize the fiction's apocalyptical effect by highlighting the landscape of fear to visualize Grenzsituationen. The landscape of fear is dominantly displayed in the nature, society and inner world, as the exact indication of the mistermination between man and nature, man and his fellows, and man and himself. Man can survive Grenzsituationen by "keeping the fire inside".
作者 刘堃
出处 《长江学术》 2016年第2期89-95,共7页 Yangtze River Academic
关键词 临界处境 恐惧景观 《路》 科马克·麦卡锡 Grenzsituationen Landscapes of Fear The Road Cormac McCarthy
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