
我国南海区海洋捕捞渔船现状分析 被引量:10

Analysis of current status of Chinese marine fishing fleet of South China Sea area
摘要 根据《中国渔业统计年鉴》数据,结合有关南海区渔业资源和渔业生产状况资料,对1979-2013年南海区(广东、广西、海南)海洋捕捞机动渔船的数量、吨位、主机功率的总规模以及主机功率结构、作业类型结构的变迁和现状进行评价分析。2013年南海区海洋捕捞渔船总计81 647艘,156.6万吨,其中机动渔船78 671艘,382.3万千瓦;机动小型渔船数量最多,超过75%,早期增速快,近十年较为稳定;大型渔船数量极低,增速缓慢,目前仍不足0.6%;中型渔船较为稳定;刺网作业渔船数量最多,拖网渔船次之,各类型渔船均已从增长期进入调控管理期。南海区捕捞渔船目前存在总体规模过大、数量结构上小型渔船偏多、捕捞作业结构不合理的问题。建议进一步压减捕捞渔船总体规模,在结构上重点压减小型渔船,适当保留大型渔船规模,同时应进一步调整捕捞作业结构,压减小型渔船拖网、刺网作业,积极发展钓捕,适当发展围网和深水拖网。 The status of Chinese fishing fleet of South China Sea area( Guangdong,Gangxi and Hainan) is analyzed in this paper according to China Fisheries Statistic Yearbook and the fisheries resources status of South China Sea,including the total number,tonnage and main engine power of the fleet,also the size distribution of main engine power and fishing gears. In 2013,the total number of the fishing fleet in this area was 81 647,with a total tonnage of 1 566 000 tons,including 78 671 motorized vessels with 3 823 000 k W.More than 75% of the motorized fishing vessels in this area were less than 12 m LOA and 44. 1 k W,which increased rapidly in 1980 s and 1990 s,and has kept stable in the last 10 years. The number of big-size vessels in this area with engine power more than 441 k W is very small,and increasing very slow to less than 0. 6percent of the total motorized fishing vessels,while the number of medium-size vessel with engine power44. 1- 441 k W is stable. In terms of fishing gear,the fishing vessels are dominated by gill net( 63. 5%),followed by trawl( 11. 5%),purse seine( 7%),and line( 7%). Totally speaking,the fishing capacity of this area is too high,and the number of small-sized vessels is too big,while the composition of fishing gear is unreasonable. Suggestions of this paper are: further reduce the fishing fleet,and give priority to reduction of small-sized vessels,while moderately keep the number of large-sized vessels. The vessels fishing by trawl and gill net should be reduced substantially,while vessels fishing by line should increase,and purse seine fishing and deep-water trawling should be encouraged.
作者 郑彤 唐议
出处 《上海海洋大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期620-627,共8页 Journal of Shanghai Ocean University
基金 农业部渔政管理专项(S026)
关键词 南海区 海洋捕捞渔船 现状 问题 建议 South China Sea area marine fishing vessel current status problem suggestion
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