为了解决管道工程总图专业传统设计方法的不足,将BIM(建筑信息模型)技术引入总图专业设计中:以基于BIM技术的Civil 3D和Infraworks软件协同设计为出发点,将规划、设计、建造、运营等各阶段的数据资料全部包含在3D模型中,使工程项目整个生命周期的工作人员在使用该模型时均能拥有精确、完整的数据。将Civil 3D和Infraworks软件协同设计方法应用于某油库的总图设计,结果表明:在达到设计成果三维真实的同时,将设计师从繁琐、冗余的修改设计过程中解放出来,将更多的精力专注于设计本身,使得设计成果"所见即所得",为今后油气储运工程总图专业的创新与发展提供了有价值的参考。
In order to overcome the deficiencies of traditional design methods in general layout of pipeline engineering, the building information modeling(BIM) has been incorporated into general layout design. On the basis of the collaborative design of Civil 3D and Infraworks which are developed with BIM, data from all stages(e.g. planning, design, construction and operation) is imported into the 3D model, so that precise and complete data could be available for the operating staff when they use the model during the whole life cycle of the engineering project. This collaborative design method was applied to the general layout design of an oil depot. It is shown that the designers can get rid of trivial and superfluous design modification and concentrate more attention on the design itself. Moreover, the design results are shown in three dimension. In this way, the design results can be displayed in WYSIWYG format. It provides a valuable reference for the innovation and development of general layout design in the oil and gas storage and transportation engineering in the future.
Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation