There are over 5,000 Mazu Temples in the world.Among them Xianying PalacefMazu Temple) in Changdao's Miao Island,which was started in the fourth year of the Xuanhc Reign in the North Song Dynasty(1122),is the earliest and grandest Mazu Temple with broadest influence in north China.It is also one of the most significant Mazu Temples in the world and honored as 'the Northern Hall for the Queen of Heaven' and 'the Fairyland of North Sea.' The Mazu cultural and faith has been handed down for over a thousand of years.The Changdao Mazu Temple ranks with the Mazu Temple in Fujian's Meizhou Island as 'Mazu Temples in the North and the South,' just as people say about 'Meizhou in the south and Changdao in the north.'