
可调式股四头肌训练板在膝关节骨性关节炎中的应用疗效探究 被引量:4

Adjustable quadriceps femoris exercise board for patients with knee osteoarthritis
摘要 目的 探索可调式股四头肌训练板在膝关节骨性关节炎患者中的应用疗效.方法 选择膝关节骨性关节炎患者70例,随机分配使用传统康复训练(传统训练组)和使用可调式股四头肌训练板辅助训练(训练板组).结果 治疗后1d开始至治疗后3个月疼痛评分,训练板组均明显低于传统训练组[治疗后1d:(35.6±18.3) vs.(46.2±20.1);治疗后1个月:(25.6±20.0) vs.(35.5±20.6);治疗后3个月:(14.6±10.3) vs.(26.6±18.7);P<0.05];治疗后1个月和3个月,训练板组下肢功能评分明显高于传统训练组[治疗后1个月:(8.6±2.0)vs.(7.5±2.1);治疗后3个月:(9.3±0.6)vs.(8.6±1.7);P< 0.05];训练板组显效患者明显多于传统训练组(51.4% vs.28.6%,P<0.05).结论 可调式股四头肌训练板可以有效缓解患者的疼痛程度,促进下肢功能恢复,获得满意的疗效. Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of adjustable quadriceps femoris exercise board for patients with knee osteoarthritis.Methods Seventy patients with knee osteoarthritis were randomized into two groups using either traditional rehabilitation methods (traditional group) or adjustable quadriceps femoris exercise board (exercise board group).Results The pain scores were significantly lower in the exercise board group than in the traditional group from 1 day to 3 months after treatment [1 day after treatment:(35.6±18.3)vs.(46.2±20.1);1 month after treatment:(25.6±20.0) vs.(35.5±20.6);3 months after treatment:(14.6±10.3) vs.(26.6±18.7);P〈0.05].The scores of lower-extremity function were significantly higher in the exercise board group than in the traditional group from 1 month to 3 months after treatment [1 month after treatment:(8.6±2.0)vs.(7.5±2.1);3 months after treatment:(9.3±0.6) vs.(8.6±1.7);P〈0.05].The effective rate was markedly higher in the exercise board group than in the traditional group (51.4% vs.28.6%,P〈0.05).Conclusions Adjustable quadriceps femoris exercise board for knee osteoarthritis can effectively relieve pain,improve the rehabilitation of lower-extremity function,and get patient-satisfactory efficacy.
出处 《国际医药卫生导报》 2016年第14期2042-2044,共3页 International Medicine and Health Guidance News
基金 汕头市科技计划项目(汕府科【2014】62号)
关键词 可调式股四头肌训练板 膝关节 骨性关节炎 Adjustable quadriceps femoris exercise board Knee Osteoarthritis
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