
拟南芥AtJ3通过核质转运调控植物质膜H^+-ATPase活性与ABA响应 被引量:1

Trafficking of AtJ3 from the Nucleus to the Cytoplasm Regulates Plasma Membrane H^+-ATPase Activity and ABA Response in Arabidopsis
摘要 拟南芥AtJ3(Arabidopsis thaliana Dna J homolog 3)为一蛋白分子伴侣,在植物体内可通过与PKS5(SOS2-like protein kinase 5)蛋白激酶形成复合物来抑制PKS5的活性;同时AtJ3-PKS5复合物可对质膜上H^+-ATPase质子转运活性进行正向调节,并参与对外源ABA的响应。为揭示AtJ3-PKS5复合物参与质膜H^+-ATPase活性调节及对外源ABA响应中的作用,本研究以拟南芥AtJ3、PKS5不同突变体为材料,在盐及ABA共同处理下对AtJ3-PKS5复合物的功能及作用机制进行了探讨。结果显示,在2种因素共同处理下,AtJ3-PKS5复合物可同时对处理因素进行响应。即AtJ3-PKS5复合物可对质膜上H^+-ATPase质子转运活性进行调节,并使细胞内p H值发生变化,同时还可诱导ABI5下游ABA响应基因的表达;外源ABA可引起AtJ3从细胞核向细胞质的转运,从而增强了AtJ3对H^+-ATPase活性的调节。说明AtJ3-PKS5复合物在对H^+-ATPase活性调节及对外源ABA响应的交互代谢途径中起着关键调节子的作用。 Arabidopsis thaliana Dna J homolog 3( AtJ3),an Arabidopsis chaperone,interacts with SOS2-like protein kinase 5( PKS5) to form the AtJ3-PKS5 complex and achieves its function through repressing activity of PKS5 in vivo. Moreover, the AtJ3-PKS5 complex positively regulates plasma membrane H-+-ATPase activity and is involved in exogenous ABA response in Arabidopsis. In this study,salt- and ABA-treated Arabidopsis AtJ3 and PKS5 mutants were explored to elucidate the function and mechanism of the AtJ3-PKS5 complex in the simultaneous regulation of membrane H-+-ATPase activity and ABA response. Results showed that the AtJ3-PKS5 complex not only led to changes in the cytosolic p H value via regulation of plasma membrane H-+-ATPase activity,but also activated expression of the ABArelated responsive genes under the two treatments. Additionally,exogenous application of ABA induced trafficking of AtJ3 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm to enhance H-+-ATPase activity,indicating that the AtJ3-PKS5 complex functions in ABA-meditated p H homeostasis.Taken together,our results suggest that the AtJ 3-PKS5 complex might serve as a key regulator in a crosstalk metabolic pathway of H-+-ATPase activity regulation and exogenous ABA response.
出处 《植物科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期406-419,共14页 Plant Science Journal
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31260568 31160060)~~
关键词 AtJ3-PKS5复合物 AtJ3转运 H+-ATPase活性 ABA响应 AtJ3-PKS5 complex AtJ3 trafficking H-+-ATPase activity ABA response
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