目的了解本地区不同年龄组儿童过敏性结膜炎过敏原状况,以指导临床防治。方法采用欧蒙免疫印迹法检测133名过敏性结膜炎患儿过敏原特异性Ig E抗体,并对过敏原检测结果进行比较分析。结果婴幼儿组、学龄前组、学龄儿童组过敏性结膜炎Ig E阳性率分别为55.8%、65.3%、78.1%;组间比较显示,仅有婴幼儿组与学龄儿童组之间差异具有统计学意义(χ2=7.32,P<0.05)。本实验检测的8类吸入性过敏原中,阳性率排列前3位的是艾蒿(36.8%)、尘螨、粉螨(31.6%)、树组合(杨树/柳树/榆树)(23.3%);检测的5类食物性过敏原中,阳性率排列前3位的是海鱼组合(24.8%)、花生黄豆(18.0%)、牛奶(12.0%)。结论过敏原是引起本地区儿童过敏性结膜炎的主要原因,检测Ig E有利于了解患儿的过敏状态,从而能够更好地进行干预和治疗。
Objective To detect the allergen of allergic conjunctivitis in children at different age group,so as to guide the clinical prevention and treatment. Methods Western blotting method was adopted to detect allergic conjunctivitis in 133 children with allergen specific Ig E antibody and the test results are compared. Results The positive rate of Ig E in infants,preschool and school- age children with allergic conjunctivitis were 55. 8%,65. 3% and 78. 1% respectively,and the difference between in infants and preschool children was statistically significant( χ^2= 7. 32,P〈0. 05). Eight species of inhaled allergens was detected and the top three positive rates were mugwort( 36. 8%),dust mites,powder mite( 31. 6%),tree combination( poplar willow / elm)( 23. 3%). Five species of food allergens was detected and the top three positive rates were fish combination( 24. 8%),peanuts and soy( 18. 0%),milk( 12. 0%). Conclusion Allergens were the main cause of children with allergic conjunctivitis. Detection of total Ig E was helpful to understand the allergic status in children,which could provide much better intervention and treatment.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology