
FeSO_4应用于SBBF强化除磷 被引量:1

Enhanced phosphorus removal in a SBBF by using ferrous sulfate
摘要 序批式生物膜滤池(SBBF)是基于序批式生物膜法的改进污水处理新型工艺,针对SBBF处理城市污水的除磷的效果较差的弊端,通过直接投加FeSO_47H_2O到反应体系实现协同除磷,使得该工艺能够较好地应用于污水脱氮除磷。Fe(Ⅱ)的投加量从0.03~0.3mM进行协同除磷试验,结果表明0.2mM的Fe(Ⅱ)投加可为有效投加量。进一步将0.2mM的Fe(Ⅱ)在进水阶段后投加到反应体系,稳定运行1个月,发现出水的TP稳定保持在0.5mg/L以下,而COD和氮的去除基本不受影响。COD、NH_4^+-N、TN和TP的平均去除率分别为84.9%、83.2%、46.3%和88.2%。反应器出水的各项指标均稳定达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)的一级A排放标准。 A sequencing batch biofilm filter was a novel technology based on SBBR.As the sequencing batch biofilm filter was not efficient for phosphorus removal in the treatment of domestic sewage,FeSO_47H_2O was added to the SBBF in order to achieve chemical aided biological phosphorus removal,which was meaningful for nitrogen and phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment.When concentrations of Fe(Ⅱ)varied from 0.03 to 0.3mM,it indicated that 0.2mM Fe(Ⅱ)might be a proper dosage.When 0.2mM Fe(Ⅱ)was added to the bioreactor at the end of influent phase for one month,the effluent TP remained stable at below 0.5 mg/L,and the removal of COD and nitrogen were not affected.The average removal efficiencies of COD、NH_4-+-N、TN and TP were 84.9%、83.2%、46.3% and 88.2%,respectively.The parameters of reactor effluent were stable to achieve the A standard "discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant(GB 18918—2002)".
出处 《土木建筑与环境工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期53-57,共5页 Journal of Civil,Architectural & Environment Engineering
基金 湖北省教育厅中青年人才项目(Q20161116) 国家科技支撑计划(2014BAL04B04) 武汉科技大学青年科技骨干培育计划(2016XZ033)~~
关键词 序批式生物膜滤池 协同除磷 混凝剂 城市污水 sequencing batch biofilm filter chemical aided biological phosphorus removal coagulant domestic sewage
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