

The Role of Soviet in Goa Event in 1961
摘要 印度独立后,在其本土仍残存有法国、葡萄牙的殖民地。为此,尼赫鲁政府积极与法葡协商,试图和平收复两地。法国对此欣然接受,但葡萄牙却拒不合作,因此激起了印度强烈的民族主义情绪,并最终促使尼赫鲁1961年用武力收复果阿(即果阿事件)。在该事件中,苏联扮演了积极角色。在收复果阿前后,苏联都对印度的想法或行动予以了坚定支持,这与美英等西方国家在此事件中的态度形成了截然反差,极大地捍卫了印度的国家利益与尊严,为随后印苏关系的快速发展奠定了一定基础。 After independence,there still had colonies of France and Portugal in India. In order to recover the territory,India's Nehru government actively negotiated with the France and Portuguese. France agreed to negotiation,but Portuguese refused it. It caused strongly opposition from Indian nationalists and eventually prompted Jawaharlal Nehru to recover Goa by force. This is the Goa events. In this event,the Soviet Union played a positive role. the Soviet Union supported firmly India's position and action before and after this event. The Soviet Union's position was different from the United States,Britain and other western countries. Goa event maintained Indian national interests and laid a certain foundation for rapid development of the relations between India and the Soviet Union.
作者 刘名望
出处 《东南亚南亚研究》 2016年第2期27-34,108,共8页 Southeast Asia & South Asian Studies
基金 贵州省2016年度社科规划课题"冷战时期的印苏关系研究(1947~1991)"(项目编号:16GZYB35) 2015年度贵州遵义师范学院博士基金立项项目"尼赫鲁时期的印苏关系研究(1947~1964)"(项目编号:遵师BS[2015]18号)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 果阿事件 苏联 印度 赫鲁晓夫 尼赫鲁 Goa event Soviet Union India Khrushchev Nehru
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