
畜禽产品中重要违禁兽药残留快检技术研究 被引量:3

Study on Rapid Detection Technology on Banned Veterinary Drug Residues in Livestock Products
摘要 随着社会经济的飞速发展和居民生活水平的逐步提高,人们对饮食安全的关注度也逐渐提高,其中畜禽产品的安全保障也越来越重要。该研究主要进行畜禽产品中激素类、硝基咪唑类及喹乙醇残留快速检测试剂盒及乳品中β-内酰胺类、β-内酰胺酶的胶体金试纸条技术研究及相关产品的开发。已开发己烯雌酚、氢化可的松、地塞米松、雌二醇、19-去甲睾酮质、硝基咪唑类、喹乙醇代谢物的检测试剂盒产品7种以及氢化可的松、群勃龙、地塞米松、β-内酰胺类抗生素、β-内酰胺酶的检测试纸条产品5种。酶联免疫试剂盒的研发是采用将抗原抗体特异性免疫反应与酶联放大反应相结合的原理,具有特异针对性检测样本中残留的各种药物分子的特点。通过酶联放大原理,大大提高产品的灵敏度可至0.05~0.5μg/kg(L)之间,达到高效液相色谱法、液相色谱-质谱联用检测法等精密分析仪器的限量标准;可对样本中的残留物质进行定性及半定量检测;检测时间由以往的仪器检测1天至几天等缩短至不超过2 h,大大提高了检测效率;可同时对几十至几百个样本快速检测,符合食品安全广泛、全面的检测需求;检测成本低,单个样本的检测仅为仪器检测方法的1/5~1/2;不需要配备大型的检测仪器,在基层的政府职能监管部门、中小型食品企业等日常监控检测工作中均可广泛应用。胶体金试纸条的开发是应用胶体金标记技术,以胶体金作为示踪物,应用于抗原抗体反应的一种新型免疫金标技术。主要优势包括:(1)操作简便,一步操作,检测一个样本只需一个试纸条,无需其他辅助材料,液质样本仅需稀释处理,不需配备大型检测仪器,可在基层现场进行;(2)样本一次性检测量大,在排查及大型食品工业企业上万个样本的日常检测中极为适用;(3)检测所需时间短,5~10 min之内即可显示检测结果;(4)结果直观,通过观察质控线和检测线的颜色对结果进行判断,即使非专业人员也能进行检测操作和残留定性结果的确定。鉴于其检测方便、快捷的技术性能,尤其适用于在我国基层检测实验室、政府部门的市场监控检测、临时抽检中广泛推广使用,实现了生物免疫检测技术在食品安全流通消费领域的方便、快速检测,对食品安全的监督监管创造了必备条件,保障人民群众身心健康,为我国出口食品提供安全保障,促进农产品出口。 With the rapid development of socio-economic and the increasing living standards, people paid more attention on food security,including the increasingly importance on security of livestock products. This study mainly research on the development on rapid detection kit including hormones, nitroimidazoles and olaquindox residual in livestock products, and colloidal gold test strip technology including β-lactam and β-lactamase in dairy products. We had developed seven detection kit concluding diethylstilbestrol, hydrocortis one,dexamethasone,estradiol,19-nortestosterone, nitroimidazoles,olaquindox metabolites,and 5 test strip products containing hydrocortisone,trenbolone,dexamethasone,β-lactam antibiotics,β-lactamase.The RD of ELISA kits base on the principle of the combination of specific immune response between antigen and antibody,and amplification reaction of enzyme-linked response,characterized by specific targeted on various drug molecules in the test samples.The Sensitivity reached 0.05~0.5 μg/kg by enzyme-linked amplification,achieving the detection limits of analytical instruments as high performance liquid chromatography, liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry and other sophisticated analytical instruments.It could realize qualitative and semi-quantitative detection in sample residues; shorten detection time from the previous instrument detects one day or several days to no more than two hours,greatly improving the detection efficiency. It can synchronous detect tens to hundreds of samples rapidly, meeting the detection needs of extensive and comprehensive inspection on food safety; low cost detection, costing only 1/5~1/2 the Instrument testing, can be widely used in the monitoring and testing work of the regulatory functions of the government grassroots, small and medium enterprises without large detection equipment. The development of colloidal gold test strip is a novel gold standard plastic immune technique,based on colloidal gold labeling technique, Gluing to colloidal gold as a tracer, appling to antigen-antibody immune responses. The mainly advantage including:(1)simple, one step, testing a sample of just one test strip, no other auxiliary materials, Liquid mass samples dilution treatment, without large testing instruments, can be conducted on site at the grassroots;(2)large sample disposable detection,investigation and detection in daily food industry enterprises tens of thousands of large samples is extremely applicable;(3)short detection time,display the test results within 5~10 min;(4)intuitive results, judge the results by observing the color of the control line and test line,even non-professionals can operate and determine the residue qualitative results.Given its convenience and efficient technical performance in detection,especially suited for the widely use in testing laboratories,government departments market surveillance detection,temporary sampling.Realized the facilitate and rapid detection of biological immune detection technology in food safety circulation and consumption areas,creating necessary conditions to the regulatory oversight of food safety, providing security for our food exports,promoting agricultural exports.
出处 《科技创新导报》 2016年第2期165-166,共2页 Science and Technology Innovation Herald
关键词 畜禽 快速检测 试剂盒 试纸条 抗原 抗体 Livestock Rapid Detection Kit Strip Antigen Antibody
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