
日本科技外交的发展历程与特点 被引量:6

The Development and Characteristics of Science and Technology Diplomacy in Japan
摘要 2008年日本综合科学技术会议正式提出科技外交概念,2011年《第4期科学技术基本计划》将科技外交上升到国家战略高度。本文介绍了日本科技外交的发展历程,科技外交的布局和特点,结合日本的相关经验,对我国的科技外交发展提出建议。 The concept of science and technology (S&T) diplomacy is formally put forward by Japan's Council for Science and Technology Policy (CSTP) in 2008, and in 2011, the S&T diplomacy is promoted to national importance in "the Fourth Science and Technology Basic Plan". This paper introduced the development of Japan's S&T diplomacy, S&T diplomacy layout and its characteristics. According to the experience of Japan, some suggestions are put forward for the development of China's S&T diplomacy.
出处 《全球科技经济瞭望》 2016年第4期63-68,共6页 Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook
关键词 日本 科技外交 软实力 Japan science and technology diplomacy soft power
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