
纳米棒状氧化锌整理蚕丝织物的抗紫外性能(英文) 被引量:2

UV-Blocking Property of Silk Fabrics Coated with ZnO Nanorod arrays
摘要 轻薄蚕丝织物具有较高的紫外线透过率,有必要提高蚕丝织物的抗紫外线能力。采用水热法将纳米棒状氧化锌原位组装于蚕丝织物表面,探讨了锌离子浓度、氧化锌晶体生长温度和时间对织物抗紫外性的影响。结果表明,蚕丝织物表面可以形成氧化锌纳米棒阵列,以及整理后蚕丝织物的UPF值在50以上,具有良好的抗紫外性能,。 The shielding against the UV radiation is one of the practical requirements for the textile industry. The in-situ synthesis process of ZnO nanorod arrays on silk fabric by the application of a hydrothermal method was described in this paper. Experimental parameters (concentration, temperature, time) were adjusted systematically to obtain the optimum. The results indicated that ZnO nanorod arrays grew well on silk fabric surface and enhanced UV-blocking property of the silk fabric.
出处 《成都纺织高等专科学校学报》 CAS 2016年第3期52-56,共5页 Journal of Chengdu Textile College
基金 financially supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (XDJK2013B026) National Training Programs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates (201410635013)
关键词 氧化锌纳米棒阵列 蚕丝织物 抗紫外性 ZnO nanorod array Silk fabric UV -blocking
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