
面向产业安全的产业物理学研究:概念辨析、问题论域与理论基础 被引量:5

Industry-Security-Oriented Industrial Physics:Concept Analysis,Problem Domain and Theoretical Basis
摘要 产业安全是关乎国家经济安全、社会和谐稳定的重要组成部分。从当前中国产业安全的现实需要出发,选择以产业物理学理论作为研究的基本出发点,在界定和明确产业物理学基本内涵与外延后,对现代产业安全问题的主要特征进行系统梳理,给出现代意义下的新的产业安全观。在此基础上,提出将产业物理学理论运用于产业安全问题建设的相关思路,形成对产业物理学研究理论体系的基本认知,构建产业物理学的内在研究逻辑体系的理论基础,即区域势差理论、能级跃迁理论、空间经济场理论、产业平衡态理论,并从产业黏度、密度、温度、速度、梯度等方面给出现代产业安全问题研究的数量表征,以期对产业经济理论研究和中国产业安全建设起到推进作用,最终实现产业持续稳定发展。 Industry security plays an important role on the national economic development,social harmony and stability.Closely focusing on the topic of industrial physics theory,this paper makes a systematic analysis of various issues affecting modern industry security after clearly defining the basic meaning of industrial physics.The new perspective of the modern industry security is presented.Then the paper expounds the application of industrial physics theory to the early warning of industry.The basic framework of industrial physics theory is established,which is composed of regional potential difference,level transition selection,economic space and equilibrium state.From the scales of viscosity,density,temperature,velocity and gradient,the paper puts forward the mathematical model of industrial physics to the risk warning of modern industry.This paper is intended to promote the further development of industrial economic theory,and contribute to the healthy and stable development of China's industry.
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期169-179,共11页 Management Review
基金 中国科学院青年创新促进会项目(2014139) 博士后基金(2016M590769)
关键词 产业物理学 产业安全 概念辨析 问题论域 理论基础 industrial physics industry security conceptual discussion problem domain theoretical basis
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