

A Survey of the Movement of Reducing Rent and Interest in the Liberated Areas of Sui-yuan and Inner Mongolia
摘要 抗战结束后,内蒙古西部区蒙汉各族人民,在中国共产党的领导下,解放了原绥远省和晋西北广大地区,在新解放区成立了以绥蒙区党委、绥蒙区政府为最高级别人民民主政权的党、政组织机构。大力发展经济,巩固和扩大新的解放区成为历史赋予绥蒙政府的重要使命。绥蒙政府在中央和晋绥边区政府的领导下,结合绥蒙解放区特殊的租佃关系,积极开展减租减息运动,最终在绥蒙解放区确立并巩固了人民民主专政政权,有力地配合了前线的战斗,为内蒙古自治区的成立和发展奠定了一定的经济基础和政治基础。 After the Anti-Japanese War and under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the people of Mongolian and Han nations in the western Inner Mongolia liberated the vast regions belonging currently to the Province of Sui-yuan and the Northwest of Shan-xi Province; these regions were subsequently called the "New Liberated District," where was initially established the organizations of the government and the committee of CPC in the District of Sui-yuan and Inner Mongolia-the highest level of the people's democratic regime. Thus, to develop, consolidate and expand the new liberated areas becomes the important historical mission for this government. In the specific process of the government" active economic work, the movement of reducing the amount of rent and interest is an important production task in the liberated area of Suiyuan and Mongolia. The liberated area of Sui-yuan and Mongolia was often ravaged by Japanese soldiers and their Chinese puppet army, and the agricultural production of the area suffered a great damage. Under the leadership of the central government and the Boundary District of Sui-yuan and Inner Mongolia, the government of Sui-yuan and Inner Mongolia actively carried out the movement of reducing the amount of rent and interest on the basis of the special tenancy relationship in the liberated district; finally established and consolidated the regime of the people's democratic dictatorship in the liberated district, and effectively supported the battles against Japanese on the frontier line, thus laying a certain economic basis and political basis for the formation and development of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.
作者 宋利
出处 《集宁师范学院学报》 2016年第4期67-71,共5页 Journal of Jining Normal University
关键词 绥蒙解放区 减租减息 农业生产 Liberated areas of Sui-yuan and Inner Mongolia reduction of rent and interest agricultural'production
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