
大科学工程建设低温工程技术发展现状及前沿科学技术问题 被引量:2

Review of cryogenic development and advance research in large scientific projects
摘要 针对大科学工程中低温系统的应用开展研究,重点讨论了国内外典型的大科学工程中低温系统的应用情况,分析了各自的特点,总结提炼了低温工程技术发展相关的关键科学技术前沿问题,为大型低温系统的科学技术研究和应用提出了发展方向。 Typical cryogenic system in large science project was studied, and emphasis was focused on its own characteristic and application. Relevant science problems were extracted and future development di- rections were proposed based on the development of cryogenic engineering and technologies.
出处 《低温工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期17-22,共6页 Cryogenics
基金 中国科学院低温工程学重点实验室开放课题资助(CRYO201407)
关键词 大科学工程大型低温系统 制冷循环流程 冷压缩机 large scientific projects large cryogenic system cryogenic circulation system cold compressor
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