

Performance improvement of a pump-free ejector cooling systems
摘要 为了优化喷射制冷系统,进一步降低喷射制冷中的电能消耗,实验研究了利用制冷剂自身重力通过阀切换回液的方法实现"无泵喷射式制冷"。主要研究了不同的阀切换频率对系统COP以及系统稳定性的影响。在保证喷射器正常工作、储液罐未储满且回液完全的条件下,切换频率由15次每小时降低到6次每小时时,发生器的温度波动由0.89℃升高到了2.23℃,系统的COP由0.285提高到了0.345。 In order to achieve an optimal performance and further decrease power consumption of ejection refrigeration, the gravity of refrigerant is utilized. By switching valves when the liquid flows back to generator, it realizes the purpose of pump-free ejection refrigeration. The experiment focuses on effect of the frequency of valve switching on the system' s performance and stability. The results show that the frequency of valve switching from 15 times per hour to 6 times per hour under the condition that the ejector works well, storage tank is not full and the fluid completely returns to the generator, the COP of the system increases from 0. 285 to 0. 345 with the temperature change of generator from 0.89 ℃to 2.23 ℃.
出处 《低温工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期41-45,共5页 Cryogenics
关键词 制冷 无泵 喷射 COP 余热 refrigeration pump-free ejection COP waste heat
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