
基于文本相关性的高校网络舆情监控系统的设计与实现 被引量:5

Based on Text Relevance of the Design and Implementation of University Network Public Opinion Monitoring System
摘要 随着互联网的发展,高校大学生通过网络对各个热点问题发表意见和评论,一些负面的舆情信息会对高校造成巨大危害.为了实现校园网的公共安全,利用聚焦网络爬虫技术和聚类技术设计实现了一个基于文本相关性的高校网络舆情监控系统.根据高校网络舆情的特点,对聚焦爬虫和聚类算法进行一些改进,以提高热点话题发现的效率和精确度,从而有效增强对大学生网络舆情的监控. Along with the development of the Internet,college students through the network express o- pinions on the hot issues and comments,some of the negative public opinion information will do great harm to colleges and universities.In order to realize the campus network of public security, based on the focused web crawler technology and cluster technology implements a university network public o- pinion monitoring system is designed.According to the characteristics of university network public opinion, some improvements were made on crawler and the clustering algorithm in order to improve the efficiency and accuracy, find the hot topic so as to effectively enhance the monitoring of the college students' network public opinion.
出处 《泉州师范学院学报》 2016年第2期50-54,共5页 Journal of Quanzhou Normal University
基金 泉州师范学院校自选项目(2012KJ10)
关键词 聚焦网络爬虫 聚类 文本相关性 舆情信息 话题发现 focused crawler cluster text relevance public opinion information topic detectio
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