
抗战时期北海银行冀鲁边湖景五角石钞版及相关问题 被引量:2

Related Issues during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and Stone Plate of “Lakeview” 50-Cent Notes Issued by Beihai Bank
摘要 北海银行创建于抗战时期的山东抗日根据地。冀鲁边区靠近日伪控制的华北地区,日伪军利用日钞、伪钞强行购买根据地物质,破坏根据地经济,边区人民期待着边区本位货币的发行。1941年夏,中共中央山东分局指示成立北海银行冀鲁边分行。冀鲁边分行很少开展存贷款和汇兑等银行业务,主要由其印钞厂印发带有"冀鲁边"字样的北海币。1944年3月以后,冀鲁边分行与清河分行合并成为北海银行渤海分行。1948年12月,北海银行、华北银行以及西北农民银行合并为"中国人民银行"。由于存续时间短,北海银行冀鲁边分行的史料相对较少。山东博物馆藏民国三十一年(1942年)湖景五角石钞版,系抗战时期北海银行冀鲁边印钞厂使用,为目前已知仅存的北海银行石印钞版。本文通过分析北海银行冀鲁边印钞厂钞版等印刷设备、钞票印刷发行情况以及北海币在冀鲁边区取得本位币地位的时间等问题,对抗战时期北海银行冀鲁边印钞厂在艰苦卓绝的条件下坚持生产、坚持开展货币斗争的光辉历史进行了深入探讨。 The Beihai Bank was established in the Shandong Base Area during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. The Hebei-Shandong border region was close to the North China region under Japanese control. Japanese banknotes or banknotes issued by the puppet government had caused local financial disorder. In the summer of 1941, the Hebei-Shandong Border Branch of the Beihai Bank was established under the auspices of the Shandong Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Printworks of the Hebei-Shandong Border Branch was responsible for printing banknotes with the inscription "Hebei-Shandong Borders". After March 1944, the Hebei-Shandong Border Branch and the Qinghe Branch were merged to become the Bohai Branch. In December 1948, the People's Bank of China was established based on the consolidation of the Beihai Bank, the Huabei Bank and the Xibei Farmer Bank. Because of its short history, records about the Hebei-Shandong Border Branch are few. The stone plate for "Lakeview" 50-cent notes(1942, Shandong Museum) used by the Hebei-Shandong Border Banknote Printworks is the only known stone plate belonging to the Beihai Bank. The current author analyzes the equipment of the Printworks, issuance and distribution of banknotes and the year when Beihai banknotes became the basic monetary unit in the Hebei-Shandong border region.
作者 于芹
机构地区 山东博物馆
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期127-134,共8页 Journal of National Museum of China
关键词 抗战时期 北海银行 冀鲁边 钞版 War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression Beihai Bank Hebei-Shandong border region plate
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  • 1五四二厂印制史厂史征编组.《抗日战争和解放战争时期山东北海银行各印钞厂的概况》,上海市新四军历史研究会印刷印钞组、山东省印刷印钞历史研究组(筹)编.《战斗在山东解放区》(内部资料),第193-194页.
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  • 3《冀鲁边的经济建设》,《大众日报》1941年6月10日.
  • 4薛暮桥.《山东的北海票》,《大众日报》1944年7月1日.
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  • 7陈文其.《北海银行的创建和重建》.山东金融学会编.《北海银行五十周年纪念文集》(内部资料),1988年,第54页.
  • 8刘惠英.《北海银行哺育我成长》,山东金融学会编.《北海银行五十周年纪念文集》(内部资料),1988年,第37页.
  • 9李莉.珍贵的北海银行印钞版[J].东方收藏,2011(5):107-107. 被引量:1










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