The all vanadium redox flow battery, Zn/Ni, PbO2/Zn、PbO2/Cu(Cd) and all lead single flow battery systems with great application potential and electrolyte of high concentration are taken as the focus of research. Influence of some inorganic additives and organic additives with various functional groups on the thermal stability and electrochemical performance of electrolyte of vanadium redox flow battery were investigated. The improved electrochemical performance may be ascribed to more active sites provided by -NH2 group and the enhanced hydrophilicity of theelectrode provided by -NH2 and -SO3H groups. Effects of methanesulfonic acid as supporting electrolyte on thermal stability and electrochemical performance are investigated. The electrochemical results show that V(IV)/V(V) exhibits superior electrochemical activity and reversibility in the mixture of 3 M H2SO4 and 7 M methanesulfonic acid, and the diffusion coefficient of V(IV) species, exchange current density and reaction rate constant become larger in the mixture of 3 M H2SO4 and 7 M methanesulfonic acid. In a flowing electrolyte, the electrochemical reaction characteristics and kinetics of electrode process of the metallic zinc, copper, cadmium and lead deposition and dissolution were investigated. The suitable deposition substrates are determined. The electrolyte conditions under which the metal ions can be evenly and rapidly deposited with high area capacity and high efficiency are gained. The effect laws of electrolyte additive on metal deposition morphology and electrochemical activity and its mechanism of action were investigated. The relationship between electrolyte flowing speed, deposition area capacity and current density was investigated. The energy efficiency and stability of batteries in the process of electrode enlargement and under high deposition area capacity has been improved. The innovations include:(1)The structure and component of additives that can improve the thermal stability and electrochemical performance of vanadium redox flow battery were determined.(2)the effect laws of lead ions in the electrolyte of all lead single flow batteries on the performance of electrodes were clarified.(3)The electrolytic PbO2 was added into the electrolyte, which lowered the over-potential of deposition type PbO2 electrodes and eliminated the accumulation of lead and the dendrite growth on the lead negative electrode.
Science & Technology Information
All vanadium redox flow battery
Deposition type single flow battery