摘要埃及裔英国女作家佩内洛普·莱夫利在新作《万事之由》(How It All Began)中讲述了一个"蝴蝶效应"般神奇的故事——非线性、随机发展的事件,不确定的人物命运建构了一个无序的世界,看似毫不相关人物和偶然的情节却隐藏着命中注定的必然结果。本文尝试以混沌理论为依据,从"无序世界"和"精神救赎"两大板块来探讨莱夫利对后现代主义无序社会中追寻精神救赎的思考。
6Douglas L. Kiel and Euel Elliott, Chaos Theory in the Social Sicences : Foundations and Applications, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1996, p. 2.
8John Barth, Further Fridays: Essays, Lectures, and Other Nonfiction 1984-1994, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. , 1995, p. 284.
9W. M. Plater (ed.), The Grim Phoenix: Reconstructing Thomas Pynchon, Bloomington & London: Indiana University, 1979, p. 5.
10Tom LeClair, et al. (eds.) , Anything Can Happen : Interviews with Contemporary American Novelists, Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988, p. 84.