甜蜜素是食品生产中常用的添加剂,是一种常用甜味剂,其甜度是蔗糖的30~40倍,控制限量对人们的身体健康有重要意义。气相色谱质谱联用为主要检测方法,本方法对食品中环己基氨基磺酸钠经超声提取后,在冰浴条件下,与亚硝酸钠发生重氮化反应生成衍生物环己醇亚硝酸酯,衍生物进入气相色谱质谱联用仪进行分离检测。结果表明最低检测限为800μg/kg,即0.8 mg/kg,远低于限量要求。
Sodium cyclamate is used in the production of food additives. It is a commonly used sweetener,with the sweetness of sucrose 30 to 40 times,the control limits on people's health is very important. Using GCMS as the main detection method,this method generated derivative cyclohexanol nitrites in food cyclohexylamino sodium after ultrasonic extraction,under ice- cooling,the reaction with sodium nitrite occurs diazo derivatives were separated into the GCMS for testing. The results showed that the lowest detection limit was 800 μg / kg,well belowed the limit requirements.
GuangZhou Chemical Industry