

Major Equipment Sea Trials and Technological Research Development of the Deepwater Oil and Gas Drilling Performance Report for 2014
摘要 随着海上油气田开发水深和回接距离的增加,深水钻井、开发技术和装备成为制约我国实现南海深水油气田自主开发的技术瓶颈,自"十一五"以来863计划支持了一批深海油气勘探开发关键技术特别是核心装备的研究,并取得了一定的进展。但是,由于深海工程和作业的高投入和高风险特性,使得自主研发的装备缺少在海上实际环境中进行试验验证的条件,一定程度上制约了相关技术发展和装备国产化的进程。因此,在逐步推进深水钻井、开发关键技术装备研制力度的同时,如何使这些自主研发成果和设备尽快应用到我国南海深水开发工程中,急需研究适应我国现有条件和政策机制的试验技术和相关的程序和规范。因此,该课题的总体任务就是通过广泛国内外技术调研,梳理国外主要厂家、研究机构和石油公司在深水钻井、开发关键装备研制、工业化应用过程中所开展从室内单元测试、现场集成测试到海上测试过程所建立的试验技术和试验程序、试验认证体系,研究适应于我国现有条件和政策机制的试验技术和相关的程序和规范。 With the development of offshore oil and gas field and back depth distance increasing,deepwater drilling,development technology and equipment become the South China Sea deep water oil and gas field technical bottleneck of independent development of the implementation of our country,since the "eleven five" since the 863 plan to support a number of deep-sea oil and gas exploration and development of key technologies especially the core equipment,and have achieved some progress.However,due to the high investment and high risk characteristics of deep sea engineering and operations,the lack of independent research and development of equipment for experiments in the actual sea environment conditions,to some extent,restricted the development of relative technology and equipment localization process.Therefore,step by step,the development of deepwater drilling technology and equipment development efforts at the same time,how to make these independent research achievements and equipment as soon as applied to South China Sea deep-water development projects in China,need to study to test our existing conditions andpolicy mechanisms and related procedures and specifications.Therefore,the task of this issue is through extensive domestic and foreign technology research,combing the main foreign manufacturers,research institutions and companies in deepwater drilling,the development of key equipment development,industrialization in the process of applying the development from the indoor unit testing,integration testing to field testing technology and test procedures,the sea test certification system,research to our country existing conditions and policy mechanism test technology and related procedures and specifications.
出处 《科技创新导报》 2016年第5期166-167,共2页 Science and Technology Innovation Herald
关键词 钻井设备 工程设备 试验方案 海试 Drilling equipment Development equipment Test plan Sea trials
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