目的探析妇科开腹手术切口感染控制的PDCA管理。方法选取该院妇科门诊手术室2013年7月—2015年7月收治的2 724例(PDCA管理控制前1 223例,实施PDCA管理控制后1501例)患者,并选择152名医护人员(PDCA管理控制前53名,实施PDCA管理控制后99名)作为此次研究对象,对比分析实施PDCA管理前后切口感染率及医护人员手卫生等情况。结果实施后开腹手术切口感染率(0.4%)明显低于实施前(2.3%),差异有统计学意义P<0.05;实施后医护人员手卫生依从性(93.9%)、手卫生合格率(92.9%)明显高于管理控制前77.4%、69.8%,差异有统计学意义P<0.05。结论妇科开腹手术患者实施PDCA管理模式控制切口感染的效果良好,可有效降低切口感染率,提高医护人员手卫生依从性以及手卫生合格率,值得推广。
Objective Of gynecological laparotomy incision infection control PDCA management. Methods in our hospital gynecology clinic operating room in July 2013 - July 2015 2 724 cases admitted (1 223 cases before PDCA management control, the implementation of 1 501 cases after PDCA management control) patients, medical staff and select 152 (PDCA management control before 53, after the implementation of PDCA management control 99) as in this study, comparative analysis of the implementation of wound infection and health care personnel hand hygiene before and after the PDCA man-agement. Results After the implementation laparotomy wound infection rate (0.4%) was significantly lower than before (2.3%) of the difference comparison P〈0.05; the medical staff hand hygiene compliance (93.9%), the passing rate of hand hygiene after the implementation (92.9%) significantly higher than the previous management control 77.4%, 69.8%, compar-ing the difference P〈0.05. Conclusion Abdominal Gynecological implement PDCA management mode control wound infec-tion surgery to good effect, can effectively reduce the wound infection rate, enhance staff compliance with hand hygiene and hand hygiene qualification rate, worthy of promotion.
China Health Industry
Department of gynecology
PDCA management