目的对100例极重度感音神经性听力损失婴幼儿进行短纯音听性脑干反应(tone burst auditory brainstemresponse,tb-ABR)和CE-Chirp声诱发的听性稳态反应(auditory steady-state response,CE-Chirp ASSR)测试,对各频率反应阈的结果进行总结分析,比较两种测试方法的异同点。方法对100例极重度感音神经性听力损失婴幼儿进行短纯音ABR与CE-Chirp ASSR各频率反应阈值的测试,分别记录0.5k、1.0 k、2.0 k和4.0k Hz的反应阈值,所得数据采用SPSS 11.0统计软件进行相关性检验和χ2检验。结果短纯音ABR与CE-Chirp ASSR各频率能引出不同程度的阈值,V波引出阈值百分比主要集中在91~100d BHL,500~4000Hz波V阈值引出率之间的相关系数分别为:0.852、0.911、0.870、0.910,所有P〈0.001。CE-Chirp ASSR与短纯音ABR各频率反应阈的χ2检验,P〉0.05。。结论短声ABR提示极重度感音性听力损失婴幼儿,其短纯音ABR与CE-Chirp ASSR各频率均有不同程度的残余听力,短纯音ABR与CE-Chirp ASSR各频率反应阈引出率有很好的相关性,耳别间也无显著性差异。
Objective To study the correlation between tone burst auditory brainstem responses(tb-ABRs) and CE-Chirp voice evoked auditory steady-state responses(CE-Chirp ASSRs) in 100 infants with profound sensorineural hearing loss. Methods Infants(n=100) with profound sensorineural hearing loss underwent tone burst ABR and CE-Chirp ASSR tests for response thresholds at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 k Hz. Correlation between results by the two methods were analyzed using the SPSS 11 statistical software. Results Coefficients between tb-ABR and CE-Chirp ASSR thresholds across 0.5 to 4.0Hz were: 0.852, 0.911, 0.870 and 0.910, respectively(P〈0.001), with no significant difference between CE-Chirp ASSR and tb-ABR thresholds(P〉0.05, Chi square). Conclusion Infants with profound sensorineural hearing loss, as indicated by click ABRs, appear to show various levels of residual hearing on frequency specific tb-ABR and CE-Chirp ASSR tests, with good correlation between the two methods and no significant difference between left and right ears.
Chinese Journal of Otology