
湖南泸溪梁家潭乡话人称代词试释 被引量:1

A study on the personal pronouns in the Xianghua dialect spoken in Liangjiatan,Luxi,Hunan
摘要 本文对湖南省泸溪县梁家潭乡话的人称代词进行研究,重点关注并试图解释以下几种现象:一、第一、三人称代词单数复数同形现象。文章通过对单复数同形的用法、并存的多种单复数形式、同形现象的发展趋势等问题的考察,认为主语、宾语以及领属结构一般名词前第一人称的单复数同形,是复数形式单数化,还是类似上古汉语的单数兼表复数,尚需进一步探讨;而第三人称的单复数同形,更宜看作单数兼表复数。二、领属结构中人称代词复数形式单数化。文章考察了领属结构中亲属称谓及集体单位名词前的复数形式单数化现象,认为领属语位置的复数形式单数化与核心名词的私有化或公有化程度、领有者和领有对象之间的亲密程度等有关系,提出了梁家潭乡话领属语复数形式单数化其核心名词的等级序列:集体、单位("家"除外)>亲属称谓、"家">一般称谓、一般名词。三、第三人称代词复数与旁称采用同一形式。这两种代词关系密切,出现同形容易理解,但是两者的历时演变关系值得进一步探讨。 This paper studies the personal pronouns in the endangered Xianghua dialect spoken in Liangjiatan, Luxi,Hunan province, primarily probing into and interpreting several phenomena existing in this dialect. The first phenomenon is the homomorphism of the singular and plural forms of first person and third person pronouns.Based on an investigation on the utilization, forms, and evolution of such homomorphic pronouns, the paper holds that for singular and plural first person pronouns before common nouns as subjects, objects or the possessive structure, their homomorphism indicates the singularization of plural personal pronouns or the equivalence between singular and plural forms which is seen in ancient Chinese( the final answer needs further studies), while for singular and plural third person pronouns, their homomorphism is more likely to be explained by the equivalence between singular and plural forms. The second phenomenon is the singularization of plural personal pronouns in the possessive structure. The singularization of plural personal pronouns modifying kinship terms and nouns describing social units are mainly studied and the results show that the phenomenon is closely related to such factors like the degree of privatization or socialization of the head nouns, and the closeness between the possessor and the possessed. The paper summarizes the singularization of plural possessive personal pronouns in the Xianghua dialect spoken in Liangjiatan, and ranks the head nouns in the order of nouns describing social units( to the exclusion of ' family') > kinship terms and ' family' > common terms and common nouns. The third phenomenon is the homomorphism of plural third person pronouns and referral pronouns. Given the close relationship between third person pronouns and referral pronouns, it's not difficult to understand their homomorphism. However, their precedence relationship still needs further investigations.
作者 陈晖
出处 《中国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期438-447,共10页 Studies of the Chinese Language
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究基金项目"汉语濒危方言‘乡话’语法研究"(14YJA740001)的阶段性成果
关键词 乡话 人称代词 单数 复数 旁称 同形 Xianghua dialect personal pronouns singular form plural form referral pronouns homomorphism
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